Dean Scholar Program

Just wondering how many have heard a response either way? I haven’t heard and am starting to worry.

Already spoke to u in the other thread but I’m posting here so I get notifs when more people reply lol

Has anyone else heard yet either way? I emailed them today and was told I’m “still being considered for the Dean scholar program and will receive more information in the coming weeks”. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a nice way of saying I didn’t get in :confused:

They emailed me back today too saying that decisions are still going out for a few weeks. Maybe they looked at the applications in order of when we applied?? Did you apply right after getting the invitation or close to the deadline?

I applied as soon as I got it. I’m wondering if they’re not waiting to get responses back and then sending out more acceptances. Sort of like a wait list thing.

the people that didn’t find out yet, what are your stats?

My stats aren’t great. 1250 cr/math. 93.3 unweighted, 97 weighted.