Deans Honors Scholars- chance me?

<p>I applied for the Dean's Honors Scholars in late November, and am quite nervous about the results. Although I have a decent class-rank, my SAT scores are more than lacking (I have problems with 4-hour long tests. It was an endurance issue...). I was wondering if anybody could give me an idea of my probability of getting into this organization that only admits about 50 freshman a year. Thanks! :)</p>


<p>gender: F
Location: Texas</p>

<p>Class Rank: 9 out of 617 students (top 10 people/ top 2%)</p>

<p>SAT cumulative: 1940
SAT 1 Math: 630
SAT 1 Crit. R: 610
SAT 1 Writing: 700
SAT II Biology- E: 730
SAT II Math 1: 690</p>

<p>Major: Biological Sciences</p>

<p>Merits, etc:
Awarded Outstanding Accomplishment in Spanish III and AP IV
Veterinary Assistant/ intern since summer 2006
AP coursework/Awarded AP Scholar
National Honor Society
Straight A's throughout entire high school career
Selected to participate in a professional internship program for school credit (choice: veterinary medicine)
Selected Marching Band Drill instructor for 2 consecutive years
Equestrian- show jumper champion</p>

<p>you look like you’re a pretty smart student and it’s unfair that you have low sat scores because of testing problems. if i were you, i’d write in the optional essay or something and try to explain the low scores (but not make it sound like an excuse). i think it’s important that they know this, because they might end up thinking you are not as smart as you are. i had a similar problem because the fact that i had only learned english five years ago affected me in many ways (couldn’t take advanced english and social studies classes cuz of poor reading skills, bad test scores, etc). i wrote the optional essay and talked about the challenges i faced and overcame, etc. and in there just included one paragraph about how that affected my academic record (that wasn’t my main focus though). sorry i didn’t answer your actual question lol.</p>

<p>i feel same way, my SATs are my downfall. I hope you get in, your defiantly qualified for it, and your in state. But i am sure there are some absoultly over qualified kids applying for it. But it seems you really want it, good luck its within reach.</p>

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