Deans Scholar Program Baruch

<p>My S applied to Macauley Baruch—he is in Baruch and was offered to apply to Deans scholar program. Any one please if you know about this program please let us know if its worth applying to. TY</p>

<p>Do you have to be invited in order to apply? I applied to Macaulay Hunter as my first choice, and got an interview from hunter, lehman(third choice), and was invited to apply to the dean scholars program (6th choice.) idk what impact my ranking of Baruch will have on my chances at the program but I don’t think I will apply since I’m interested in public health. My friend’s top choice is Macaulay baruch( and Fordham) for business, but she was not invited to apply. Is there any way she can appeal?</p>

<p>I will call Baruch Admissions re Deans schoar program as I suggest your friend may do same. His stats have to be pretty good I would guess.</p>

<p>When are Baruch Dean’s Scholar results posted?? how would this program be for a non-business student, more liberal arts oriented? thanks.</p>

<p>Did anyone get a response or an email from Baruch yet?</p>

<p>I didn’t get any response yet, I applied to macaulay and was invited to deans scholar which I also applied to. We get decisions this friday, and I’m guessing honors and deans would also find out that day? Since you only get an acceptance into ONE program from Baruch.</p>

<p>Nothing yet from Deans Scholar or Macauley. Likely by Friday.</p>

<p>Anyone get anything yet? I heard that the Macaulay acceptances were already sent out by email.</p>

<p>Received my acceptance from macaulay early this morning, but I heard honors also came out today as well.</p>

<p>Hmm . I didn’t receive any email today. I heard Macaulay rejection letters were sent already. I wonder if Baruch did the same.</p>

<p>I emailed them asking if those who didn’t receive an email of any kind would receive them in the near future and she said yes.</p>

<p>For my S a no for Macauley but yes for Deans Scholar-Baruch… very happy!</p>

<p>Congrats yolie! Could you please tell me if your son got the news through his regular email or through baruchmail and exactly what time he got it? Thanks.</p>

<p>My S recieved acceptance to Deans Scholar program early yesterday morning (by 7am) via his personal email. He recieved rejection to Macauley later in day. email as well.</p>

<p>My son received acceptance to the Deans Scholar program yesterday morning by email too. He did not apply to Macauley (no way he would have gotten in). </p>

<p>Does anyone know how Baruch is for liberal arts?? My son is not likely to be a business major. I’ve read some negatives about lack of class selection and availability for liberal arts students there… any ideas???</p>

<p>I haven’t heard from Baruch at all, not even if I’m accepted to the college it self. Why haven’t they said anything yet?</p>

<p>Can you get into both the Macaulay honors and the dean scholars program?</p>

<p>One or the other but you can apply to both.</p>

<p>Yes u can get into both, if you apply to the deans scholar program it does not affect your Macaulay application.</p>

<p>Only way you can get both, is if you get into Macaulay in some other college other than Baruch,
but Baruch wants to entice you to come there instead of Macaulay @ ???. They would not offer you both at the
same school. You would be considered for both, but not be awarded both. The question was “Can you get into both” which you can not if by both, you mean Macaulay @ Baruch and Baruch Dean’s.</p>