Dear Columbia2002...

<p>Dear Columbia2002,</p>

<p>We all know you went to Columbia. AWESOME. Most of the people browsing this forum hope to do the same thing. All of your advice is great, but it's killing me that you spend so much time up on your high-horse dumping on kids who just want some advice or encouragement. Calling people presumptuous or cocky just because they think they have a chance at getting in is beat up. Why? Because to succeed in a world as cutthroat as this you have to be a little cocky. To get through Ivy League admissions, you have to go into the process confident and believe that you are the baddest man on the planet and that no one is going to stop you from getting in to Columbia University. If you go into the application tentative and hesitant to really express yourself, you'll get waxed. The old addage "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" is applicable here. You went to Columbia man, shouldn't you have something better to do than lord over a trivial internet forum? Something better like, oh I dunno, a job? Get down out of your pompous-chair, Columbia 2002, and get over yourself.</p>

(I got in ED if you were wondering and I'd be happy to post stats so that you can prove to yourself that you're better than me. Feel free to criticize my inferior spelling/grammar if that makes you feel better)</p>

<p>Applicants: Fear Not! Be confident, go out on a limb with your application. Shoot for the stars 'cause if you miss you'll land on a cloud. If you're applying to Columbia in the first place then even if you dont get in, you'll end up somewhere great and you will love it.</p>

<p>I agree with the sentiment of this post, but you aren’t recognizing how obnoxious some kids get, here’s why I dislike your analysis:</p>

<p>“Because to succeed in a world as cutthroat as this you have to be a little cocky.”</p>

<p>i completely disagree, it’s not being cocky, but self-confidence and self esteem, they are unconnected.</p>

<p>“To get through Ivy League admissions, you have to go into the process confident and believe that you are the baddest man on the planet and that no one is going to stop you from getting in to Columbia University”</p>

<p>again, confidence and drive have nothing to do with you considering yourself the baddest man on the planet.</p>

<p>"“if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”</p>

<p>hereto i disagree, because criticism is highly valuable, being politically correct all the time is counter-productive, obviously criticism doesn’t include name calling and insulting.</p>

<p>I think C2002 calls people out when they show arrogance, presumptuousness or pomposity on this forum, all of those are characteristics, which hold people back, even in the admissions process. I think the greater point is that all criticism can be dealt without demeaning people like C2002 does, and this is something I hope he can recognize, implement. </p>

<p>to c2002: people on this forum provide as much criticism as you do, calling people out on their BS. you don’t do a better job of opening people’s eyes by throwing them under the bus. I think your first post ever was about how you were here to help and how you would not coddle posters with euphemisms. I’m on your wavelength, just see you circumscribing your ability to persuade people by being abrasive.</p>

<p>thank you rpd1817. i love you.</p>

<p>i’m all for constructive criticism, and i would rather know the truth about something (even if it isn’t what i want to hear) than be told lies to protect my ego. but c2002 does it in the completely wrong way. you don’t need to completely beat people down and scare them into not posting again just because you disagree with something they said.</p>

<p>especially whenever you may be wrong yourself. like you were whenever you beat me down in a forum a month or so ago.</p>

<p>i love columbia2022</p>

<p>SMH. </p>

<p>Wow. You went out of your way to address a cc member. I wish I can find the time for that but in case you forgot, this is a virtual world.</p>

<p>I don’t get it. You’ve only posted like 5 things in the past 6 months. And none of those posts were responded to by C02. Whence cometh the hate?</p>

<p>I don’t even understand why it’s such a big deal, like you said, this is a trivial internet forum</p>

<p>No offense OP (or offense; it doesn’t really matter), but without high-horse alumni this board would just be freaked out high schoolers trying to outshine each other by posting their stats and weird insecure kids freaking out about their pictures like this was (and from what I’ve seen in the past few days; ya don’t).</p>

<p>And really, they’re not helping because you guys because you’re interesting and they really wish you’ll get in to contribute to the Alma Mater legacy. Most of your questions in fact are annoying as **** and have been answered ad nauseum in previous threads.</p>

<p>So until you can contribute the same amount as C2002 and the others; respect what came before you, puberty.</p>

<p>C2002 keeps it real!</p>

<p>Oh snap. Someone took intro to psych with such advanced attempts at reverse psychology.</p>

<p>Were high schoolers always this obnoxious or are you trying to break the mold?</p>

<p>I agree that C02 is abrasive and sometimes keeps threads alive to win pointless arguments–but come on, he keeps things entertaining!!</p>



<p>that’s seriously a word?? lol</p>



<p>qft! (this is my new favorite thing to say on internet forums…deal with it) </p>



<p>i agree…</p>

<p>i feel like i have to chime in since i’ve been e-acquainted with C02 the longest…i agree that some of C02’s advice can be dished out a bit more empathetically but honestly i’ve seen all kinds of arrogant high schoolers who only come here to try and show off or who come here, post mediocre stats and lash out at whoever gives them a shot of reality. I too have had a couple of run-ins with these types of HS kids and it really is annoying. I’ve also had a few back and forths with C02 about pointless topics and there’s nothing wrong with that…discussion, no matter how trite the topic is, is always welcome as far as i’m concerned. </p>

<p>bottom line though is that the columbia forum is alot better than many of the other forums because alums and students actually frequent this forum and give actual insight so rather than being a brat and calling C02 out you should just shut up and be thankful lest you p*ss off the five or 6 other important members of this forum.</p>

<p>^^Fair enough :)</p>



<p>I could not absolutely agree with this post more. As an illustration in point, I invite you all to take a look at the Dartmouth board - notice all those Chances threads that we have. Notice how there’s no alumni-who-tells-it-like-it-is figure who can deter all those annoying and insecure individuals from posting their SAT scores or lame extracurriculars. And then ask yourselves: Would you want this?</p>

<p>“Notice how there’s no alumni-who-tells-it-like-it-is figure who can deter all those annoying and insecure individuals from posting their SAT scores or lame extracurriculars.”</p>

<p>have you seen this board? there are tons of chance threads, all the time, C02 doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent at all. He calls people out like many of us do but also insults, and condescends which is unnecessary. No one (except perhaps the OP and a few others) wants him to leave, he’s definitely a valuable resource, just change the way he writes on here, (which for the past few hours seems to have changed).</p>

<p>Hey man, I wish we have a greater proportion of topics actually about Dartmouth. Just sayin’</p>

<p>Also…any Chances threads on Page 1 here?</p>

<p>The OP did not ask CO2002 to leave the forum. He just asked CO2002 to be less abrasive and more constructive in his manner of posting criticisms.</p>

<p>Haven’t been on the Columbia forum in a while, it is interesting to see C2002 still provoke such strong feeling on this board. I do not see similar poster as C2002 on other college forums. I participate on my D1 college forum often. Every once in a while when a poster gets out of hand (alum or current student), someone will usually tell the poster to back off, especially if it’s to a prospective student. It is also interesting to me that so many people on this forum agree with C2002’s delivery. Is it Stockholm Syndrome or is this a normal interaction among Columbia students?</p>

<p>“The OP did not ask CO2002 to leave the forum. He just asked CO2002 to be less abrasive and more constructive in his manner of posting criticisms.”</p>

<p>the OPs exact words were: “You went to Columbia man, shouldn’t you have something better to do than lord over a trivial internet forum? Something better like, oh I dunno, a job?”</p>

<p>this can interpreted as spend more time on a job and less time on the forum. </p>

<p>“It is also interesting to me that so many people on this forum agree with C2002’s delivery. Is it Stockholm Syndrome or is this a normal interaction among Columbia students?”</p>

<p>the debate has been a little dichotomous, one side claims that he is abrasive, and the other claims he is valuable as a resource, these aren’t mutually exclusive. Most posters find his contributions marginally positive on balance, several (esp parents and politically correct, sensitive high schoolers) find his contributions on balance negative and a few support his delivery in addition to his content, there’s no Stockholm Syndrome, maybe a little schadenfreude.</p>



<p>Well, you are right. It certainly could be interpreted that way…</p>

<p>I must say that I think CO2002 has much of value to offer and I have often agreed with what he says. However, I have also more often been concerned that he might drive prospective students away…at least from these boards, if not totally away from the school.</p>