Dear P-ton ED Applicants,

<p>Im am new to this whole College Confidential thing and i just wanted to say hi. I've read some of your posts and have realized a few things:</p>

<p>1) Don't you have a better way to spend your time than calling the Admin Office and compulsively posting countdowns, "updates", "huddle ups", and "important announcements".
2) Please refrain from making jokes. They aren't funny. Im sure some of you are reading this and thinking this is a joke. I assure its not. Its a plea for you to stop.
3) Also does it make u feel better posting your Stats. Just because you aced some test(s) does'nt mean your God. Because in reality i know god. Similar to Joeseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Faith, God gave me Tablets and he said in one of them you are'nt god. Sorry.
4)Im sure p-ton enjoys people who email and call them incessantly requesting the latest mailing date.
One last suggestion..... I dare you to spend one day away from this site, maybe you will accomplish something productive</p>

<p>I realize i will prolly be banned after posting this.... so payce out tricks and bugger off this Knight has some fillies to ride ;)</p>

<p>Pardon any grammatical or speeling mistakes im sure this thing is littered with em</p>

-What You Waiting For</p>

<p>Wow and i thought everyone who posted forums were lame. Im havign an epithany.</p>

<p>Wow. Can I join? I'm astrix0</p>

<p>sure what's your aim screen name i'll invite you</p>

<p>haha.. "epithany," you sure are dumb! And the Mormon thing, wtf? Here let me enlighten you in a bit of "Mormon Trivia." In Mormonism, God (Elohim) is a separate being. He WAS man, but became exalted. Like He is, you shall become. SOOOOOO... in the "tablets" of Mormon faith.... PEOPLE ARE (or will be) Gods. SO QED BYATCH! Please refrain from making dumb judgments, troll.</p>

<p>If you don't like it, don't come here, don't read and don't post. It's purely voluntary, did you know?</p>

<p>I may be dubm but at lates im not Moronm</p>

<p>You're not sexy either</p>

<p>wtf? are u purposely trying to type badly? lol. he must be bitter that hes a loser =P</p>

<p>lol @ zant.</p>

<p>And Sir: Check back next week and you'll see if any of us have accomplished something productive (aka getting into Princeton). Are you Calcboy? Hmm. I just noticed a similarity in the writing style....</p>

<p>CAN I JOIN THE AIM I'm hanman344</p>

<p>purposely typiing poorly how dare you? btw im surprised no one called me on obsessviely replying</p>

<p>hahah Im not Mormon either, idiot. I like to study religion...</p>

<p>good comeback. calling people idiots is really mature, IDIOT!</p>

<p>hahaha, sirsexy is funny. reminds me of calculusboy's antics.</p>

<p>I'll say it again: Are you calcboy?</p>

<p>edit: great minds, hobbes =)</p>

<p>oy <em>rolls eyes</em>
<em>waits for thread to be shut down</em></p>

<p>Whoa Zant has a high postcount</p>

<p>Studying religion is fun, but whats more fun is calling people done with this post thing</p>