<p>sorry to go against your wishes, but I am going to say</p>
<p>*Oh, </p>
<p>we are soooo Proud of you!! *</p>
<p>Some of the best art was created by those that have never colored inside of the lines and some of the best ideas have come from those brave enough to think outside of the box. I would not be suprised to read great things from and about you in the very near future. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. All the best at Clark.</p>
<p>Aroundthe corner - Thanks goodness there are black sheep in the world -- you are the people who make life so interesting! I'd be proud to have a daughter like you.</p>
<p>Aroundthecorner -- There are pink sheep, magenta sheep, sheep with copper highlights, and sheep who love reading Vonnegut...but, they are sheep, nevertheless. </p>
<p>You might one day find that you are an aardvark...a lovable, wonderful aardvark. ;)</p>
<p>The first step to happiness is understanding that you have to do what is right for you. Congratulations. It sounds like you are wise beyond your years and already on a good path. Best wishes to you.</p>
<p>baaah to you too from the black sheep here. Kurt Vonnegut, august derleth, HP lovecraft, the opium writers, greatest. now if we didn't have people like you, I guess they would only be selling black suits at the stores. You will be the one to change things, make them great, look at something from another prospective. And it is not the name of the school that makes it great, but what you do with it and where it takes you, and even a community college can be the greatest source of learning. so be proud, it sounds like you already are, and I can't tell you how great it was to read your letter.</p>
<p>Congratulations! You have to love kids that have the courage and confidence to go after what they believe is right for them, despite the pressures to conform.</p>
<p>Needed the comments today as relatives from out of town are in (for a wedding this weekend), and went through the whole college and majors thing again. Sigh. </p>
<p>Aroundthecorner. There is a prof at Clark who is awesome and is sure to understand "black sheeps." Her name is Cynthia Enloe and she is famous for her feminist analyses of the military. When you get there, make sure to meet her.</p>
<p>I have such a headache. Had breakfast with grandparents this morning who spent the whole time telling me about my cousins (two plastic surgeons, one graduating from MIT, one with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence and a shelf of Nora Roberts, blah~). </p>
<p>And THEN, grandma pulls out these booklets on MIT from one of my cousins. (I love my cousins but grrr). Had to tell her it's too late to apply and that I don't want to. </p>
<p>"Well, what about transferring?"</p>
<p>"Gma, I haven't even had a class at Clark yet..." </p>
<p>I can't wait until the wedding is over, and the swarm of family leaves. </p>
<p>Thank you anxiousmom and marite! I'll be sure to look Enloe up when I get there. :)</p>
<p>Pat yourself on the back. Read something about "high-context culture". Forgive your relatives and think: some of your creativity and self-expression is actually coming from the different communication style you partly picked up from them... You've chosen your way, you were strong enough to persist - you know you are right.</p>
<p>And - you've had the pink hair only over the weekends? You are in the top 5%? You are reading Vonnegut for pleasure? You have your own business?... And you call yourself a black sheep? Ha. :D</p>
<p>Please, as if I'd on all my Black Sheepy ways to parents. ;) Some things are just not meant for the public.</p>
<p>I snuck to school in pink hair from one three day weekend, and I got sent home because I was a "distraction." :( Mom said she would shave my head if I did it one more time, and she bought an electric razor to prove her point. So I moved onto something else decorative...</p>
<p>I wept, and smiled through the tears. Hang on, I hear my psycho-tyrant Chinese mother screaming about something I did or did not do again. 4 more months, 4 more months, 4 more months....</p>
Enjoyed your letter...been there as the eldest of immigrant Chinese parents! ;) But, back in "the day," parents didn't even know about HYP yet! In SoCal, it was all about UCLA!!!</p>
<p>With our own children, it is all about the individual and fit...the way it should be. Best of luck to you!</p>
<p><em>laughs</em> Right on target, paintedocean, cheers, and archermom. </p>
<p>And this morning's breakfast conversation-- </p>
<p>Gpa: I'll buy you whatever laptop you want if you reconsider <em>insert some Ivy League</em>. Any laptop you want. </p>
<p>Me: :) I've saved up enough to buy my own.</p>
<p>Gpa: .... (launches into old sob tale he goes into when he feels that he's loosing an argument) You know it's my dream to see all my grandchildren off to top colleges. I worked and worked and worked in the heat, only affording a small bowl of rice a day blah blah blah. </p>
<p>Me: <em>recites along with him until he stops and laughs</em></p>
<p>Whatta family. :) </p>
<p>On another note, for the most part unlike some of my Asian friends, I'm not bitter about my family. Oh, I used to be, really disliking their constant pressure and pushing. But, you know, whatever, I'm me.</p>
<p>Plus, Gpa made me a really yummy breakfast. So, they feed me, I love them. ;)</p>