<p>Hi parents...have been lurking on this board since my senior year of high school. I'm now a freshman with only three weeks left in the semester.</p>
<p>Everything at X University has been great...interesting classes that I've managed to do very well in, an amazing internship, a group of friends that, now especially, is showing its true colors. However, I am in a VERY BAD room situation.</p>
<p>One of my two roommates was caught doing drugs in our room. She blames me for notifying the campus police. I didn't, and I actually was accused of all the same charges as her (fortunately, I think the police believed me because it was fairly obvious I had nothing to do with it at all.) However, since I was by the door (she was doing the drugs in the bathroom), I opened it when someone knocked and let the officer into the room without challenging him.</p>
<p>Since that incident, I have honestly not been able to live in the room. Someone keeps on spitting on my bed. Both roommates make incredibly rude comments about me while I'm in the room. It is an unbearable environment, and especially with finals soon approaching, I don't know how I will survive.</p>
<p>The roommates smoke in the room, and when I asked them to stop, they became very threatening. They are big boys who have no problem starting a fight. I'm built myself (and was a wrestler throughout all of high school), and frankly, if a fight were to break out, I could take either of them easily. But I'm not a jerk, and I would never do that anyway.</p>
<p>Also, one of the roommates was very threatening to my friends last night and tried to start a fight, which just shows how immature and angry they are.</p>
<p>Basically, this situation is impossible to live in, and I can't even sleep in my room without feeling hated. Is it worth it to pursue a meeting with my building director to see if I can get out or should I just try to survive these last weeks as I have this past week or so by avoiding the room and sleeping in common lounges, etc?</p>
<p>Thanks parents.</p>