<p>My only real EC is Debate, it's something that I know I love and I can see that I can get somewhere with it if I'm lucky. Even if I don't go to nationals in debate but still dedicate a lot of time to it and let everyone know that it is my passion, how will this be reflected to adcoms? I also do key club and am hoping to get more involved with my community by running for a board position. Seeing as how debate and key club are my only "real" EC's that I'm dedicated too, how well is this reflected on my applications to college? Hopefully I'll pick up another EC that I enjoy doing...Thanks.</p>
<p>For debate probably moreso than other activities that extent of accomplishments might be a good reflection of “passion”, bc if you are passionate about something, but not successful colleges are probably going to view it as less than if you are national accomplished which in debate is very doable-at least breaking at some national tournaments.</p>
<p>Oh and it is annoying hearing Black Law dictionary definitions in debate rounds.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure admissions officers are aware that debate is a full-time commitment, and if you’re heavily invested in it, there’s not a lot of time for anything else. I’d say that you’re fine.</p>
<p>^^ i agree with this post.</p>
<p>ill also add: do u know Model United Nations?</p>
<p>look it up. find a school that does it if ur school doesnt bc its the best program/club to take your debate skills to another level. u can attend conferences, win awards, and head delegations.</p>
<p>pm me if u want anymore info.</p>