Dec 1st Math Ver II (Crate and Barrel, (a+1/b+1), etc)

<p>@YouKnowWho that’s a diff problem. How many rectangles can fit into a diff rectangle. You just multiply the dimensions and divide big rectangle by the small. Forgot the answer dammmit</p>

<p>That’s odd. That cube problem was on my October experimental math section. Though I don’t remember the answer. Also, The cube/rectangle one with CD cases and a box was something like: “You have an 8x8x3 box and several CDs with dimensions 4x4x1. How many CDs can you fit in the box?” The answer is 12. One layer can have 4, times 3 inches, which totals 12.</p>

<p>Did any of ya’ll get a problem with a graph such that the x axis and y axis were diff stat points. It was like adding some stuff to a gas tank either increases or decreases something. The x axis points were the gas mileage points before the stuff was added and y was after. They wanted to know how many plot points had x > y. I said 2</p>

<p>@Shizznits I don’t remember that question whatsoever. I also don’t remember one about a rubik’s cube.</p>

<p>@shizznits I also got 2 for that question.</p>

<p>It was probs in my experimental. Damn collegeboard</p>

<p>I got 2 as well.</p>

<p>@Shizznits, you sure this is the right test version, i don’t recall that question and i had math experimental.</p>

<p>Phoenix I had math exp as well and I do remember the question. It was a chart of gas mileage before and after some additive.</p>

<p>Does anyone remember a problem where you had to find where the expression was defined?
The expression was like (p+5)(p-4)/(p^2-16)</p>

<p>Anybody remember what the marble question was asking for?
was the answer 5/11 or 6/11?</p>

<p>I got 5/11</p>

<p>It was literally 5 blue marbles out of 11, what is the chance of picking a blue one?</p>


<li>Marbles was 5/11 I think.
<li>2750 for the buses total
<li>Dunno, got 5/6ths?</li>
<li>25 or 49</li>

<p>It was 2/3 for 7</p>

<p>Was the one with managers 86 or 64%?</p>

<p>@runnergurl it was 64%</p>

<p>I agree with 2/3</p>

<p>Can anyone explain how to the crates and barrels problem? It really stumped me…the math curve should be generous this time. Hopefully.</p>

<p>I had math experimental and I don’t remember the rubiks cube or the lowest value problem.</p>


<p>Lowest value was 51, buses was 2750, batter was 2/3</p>