Dec. 6 SAT Math Question

<p>I remember one questions where the radius of circles are 6 and 4 and the two circles are overlapping and the area of that weird shape is 54 (?) and the problem wants us to find the area of the overlapping middle part. how did you solve that and what was the answer? (correct my question if it's not accurate)</p>

<p>p.s. also. what was the topic for the essay? i wrote the essay.. but i forgot what the topic was..</p>

<p>It’s the straight line distance from point A to B. The answer was either 18 or 20. Don’t remember.</p>

<p>There were 4 different essay topics. Only 3 are listed on</p>

<p>the one i got was acting</p>

<p>another one was persistence…</p>