Dec CR had one very familiar passage...

<p>One of the sections of critical reading on today's SAT had a passage I've definitely seen before. I can't remember if it was on a previous SAT (either March or June 2008) or in the big blue college board practice book, but it's definitely one of the two. Not only the same passage, but the same questions. Maybe it was the experimental section for me? Regardless, I find it odd that they'd re-use a passage in any capacity, whether it be experimental or not.</p>

<p>Can you tell the gist of those reading passages?</p>

<p>are you talking about the one with the chinese guy?</p>

<p>^^ i could swear i’d seen a writing q before, like from a sat 3 yrs ago lol
but math was my experimental, not writing… and reading was mine back then
i guess they reuse question</p>

<p>nah, it was the passage about the woman who jots down everything she observes into a journal…and how she has that impulse to just write everything. still can’t remember if it was from an earlier test or from the collegboard practice book. but it was the same passage/questions.</p>

<p>I think that was on the March 2008 SAT because I remember reading something like that (although I didn’t take the SATs today).</p>