<p>So, all of you out there taking the test on December 13th, hows the preparation going? I finished princton review, did couple passages out of Kaplan, and am about to start the official red book.</p>

<p>i took an official test from this years booklet and scored a 30. I am aiming for a 33 at least. Any suggestions? Help needed!!!! only 3 weeks left. I took it once in 9th grade so i am not that nervous but i still want to do really well.</p>

<p>I am an older student going back to retest(and back to college I graduated HS in 2000), to make an 18 on the math,basically my nursing career will hinge on this. In the past the highest I ever got on the math was a 17 with a 22 overall. Any help in math would be greatly appreciated I signed up for the ACT’s online prep and just frantically trying to remember math skills I had forgotten</p>

<p>Hopefully I don’t panic on Dec 13…</p>

<p>I’ll be taking it for the first time too. Hoping for 34+</p>

<p>I’m actually thinking of taking it as a standby. Got a 32 in October and figured I was done, but now I might just take one last crack at it. It’ll be my 5th and last time if I do though lol.</p>

<p>Schoolwork has been my prep. I’m not doing any Kaplan or PR. Hopefully an extra few months of AP classwork will help. I really want 33+</p>

<p>I’m hoping for a 35/36. Second time taking it. 33 first time. Doing official red book. Science always kills me, hopefully I won’t run out of time.</p>

<p>I am currently a junior and going to take the ACT for my first time. I am hoping for a 31/32. I do extremely well on the math and reading section, but the english and science is a different story.</p>

<p>32 in September. 2nd time taking it. Anyone have any tips for science. It killed me last time with a 24. I am a junior so still have time.</p>

<p>I’m improving on science but find that reading is still causing me troubles time-wise. Is it best to skim the passages, then answer the questions paragraph by paragraph? (like skim one paragraph, answer questions for that paragraph, and so on) Thanks!</p>

<p>im a first time taker in Dec…pretty nervous…prep not going so well cuz ive been busy…ACT BArrons inMath Review then Science and Writing…im usually fine with English…hoping for at least a 26…thn ill prep harder!</p>

<p>31 september…now that I’m prepping, I’m aiming for at least a 38.</p>

<p>JK. maybe a 34</p>

<p>How does this work with sending the December ACT to colleges for the Jan 1st deadline?</p>