<p>all of the people who the test today, give a raw predictions of the curve- i think there will a give a curve on the science and the rest of sections probably not.</p>
<p>couldn’t you get one wrong and still get a 36 on the reading and the math? I really hope the science as a generous curve…though in the practice booklet I did, it was harsh (2 wrong was a 33).</p>
<p>Anyone wanna post curve predictions?</p>
<p>English: Harder than usual imo
-1/-2 35
-3/4 34
-5 33
-6 32
-7 31
-8 30</p>
<p>Math: Maybe a little harder than normal, I 36’d it in October but had to guess on the last 2 today because of time.</p>
<p>-1 36
-2/-3 35
-4/-5 34
-5/-6 33
-7 32
-8 31
-9 30</p>
<p>Reading: Holy **** I f’d this one up completely. I prefer the easier reading sections w/really harsh curves like in October when -1 was a 34. The passages just sucked and it was so tedious. It required more reading analysis skills too.</p>
<p>-1 36
-2/-3 35
-4 33
-5 32
-6 31
-7 30</p>
<p>Science: **** Don’t even know w tf else to say. Beast is the only way to describe it. It would’ve been much better if I had an extra 5 minutes. It’s just that I took so long on one passage that the proctor gave the 5 minute warning when I still had ~ 12-14 questions unanswered. Srsly this section is ridiculous. I consider myself to be a top-notch student academically (usually score in top 2-3 percentile in science, not trying to be arrogant), and if I have serious trouble understanding and completing it, how on earth do they expect anyone else to do anything but guess on the entire thing? I had to work hard just get finished what I did, I can’t imagine what other kids were thinking during that.</p>
<p>-1/-2 36
-3 35
-4 34
-5/-6 33
-7 32
-8 31
-9 30 </p>
<p>Overall, here are my predictions for how I did:</p>
<p>English: 32-35 (32 in Oct)
Math: 34-36 (36 in Oct)
Reading: 25-29 (30 in Oct)
Science: 23-28 (29 in Oct, 31 in Sep)
Composite: 29-32 (32 in October, I got a 32 on this one if I got really lucky)</p>
<p>December ACT = waste of money for me. I regret even taking it. My parents were right, I should’ve just been satisfied with a 32. Imo if they are going to administer science sections like that there really needs to be more time to do it. I def could’ve used an extra 5-10 minutes.</p>
<p>i hope they do a curve on the math too. i ran out of time.</p>
<p>Hey… feeling a little stupid here… What is the definition of “curve?”</p>
<p>^ The “curve” is what determines your score. Obviously not all ACT tests are of the exact same difficulty, as the difficulty of a test is unique and impossible to emulate. So a curve is made to act as an equalizer and center the scores. For instance, on one day the ACT math section is extremely easy, and on another it is exceedingly difficult. The curve will be more lenient on the day of the more difficult section, like maybe if you miss 1 question you can still get a 36 while on the other -1 would be a 35.</p>
<p>Oh, Ok. Thankyou! I sure hope the curve is generous for science!</p>
<p>^ haha I know for a fact we all are!</p>
<p>is that curve reallllly possible? seems extremely lenient imo</p>
<p>Science - hardest section ever taken in my life PERIOD</p>
<p>@ holland it’s a gotta be a lenient curve. Science the hardest ACT section I’ve ever taken.</p>
<p>!@#$@$ the test was freaking ridiculous. I got a 34 before, but this test was incredibly hard.</p>
<p>English - Bit harder than usual, but ok nonetheless. Easy essay</p>
<p>Math - wth… I usually finish with 15mins left over, I barely finished on time on this one. Had to guess on one.</p>
<p>Reading - ARGHH ran out of time. Had to guess on couple. I got a 33 on this section before, but I don’t even know if I broke 30 on reading today.</p>
<p>Science - @#!$! Hardest science section ever.</p>
<p>^ Ok some of you guys are giving me hope. Everyone seems to think he/she did considerably worse, so hopefully we’ll all be pleasantly surprised when we get our scores.</p>
<p>I’m a junior, it’s the first time I took the test, but a lot of seniors around me were talking about how much harder this test was than the last one (math/science)</p>
<p>Anyways, from the red book tests i’ve taken</p>
<p>English - seemed about normal
Reading - pretty easy
Science - …
Math - harder than usual, i ran out of time and guessed on 4 questions =/</p>
<p>The fact that so many juniors took it for the first time will mean that a generous curve is fairly possible.</p>
<p>Very hard test. All sections were harder than usual in my opinion. Hopefully a more lenient curve. </p>
<p>English: -2. 11-12 essay = 35?</p>
<p>Math: Drop from a 36. =( What would you guys think -3 would be? = 34?</p>
<p>Reading: -5. =( = 32?</p>
<p>Science: Holy !@#!$!. -6 hopefully. And I got 35 last time =( = 30?</p>
<p>Composite: 33</p>
<p>English was pretty easy, so Im thinking I should have at least 32 or so.
Math… god, I know i missed one. There would be a slight curve, so maybe 33?
Reading… half-guessed on like 5 of them. Im sure it’s over 30, maybe around 33?
Science: it was easy except for some exceedingly hard problems. I usually do good here, so maybe around 34?</p>
<p>But I usually do less than I expect, so I’m expecting my composit to be around 31~33. Would be very lucky if I get 33 and would be a god’s blessing If I get 34.</p>
<p>Writing: I did very well on this one. No problem writing and mine was logical and interesting. Maybe around 10 or 11?</p>