December 2008 International SAT

<p>Hey, as soon as we can start discussing, which should be soon, let's use this as the official thread for the International SAT since it will be different than the one given in the States. It will make it much easier to discuss!</p>

<p>Am I the only one who struggled with Critical Reading? the Oct CR was much easier and the Oct Math much harder, than the December test? I really hope this time I’ll score at least above 650 in math & writing. Then in Critical Reading a score increase would be nice too, but I doubt it.</p>

<p>I am taking it in January .What do you guys expect ?</p>

<p>ya me too. I had a hard time doing CR.</p>

<p>Oh the CR! Me too, mostly guessed blindly.</p>

<p>I am also testing in Jan…I need to raise my CR score by 100pts (at least). Any tips, guys?</p>

<p>Oh, the equating section falls on Critical Reading :((</p>

<p>How do you guys think you did on the essay? I thought it was a pretty easy topic.</p>

<p>^the topic was nice… my essay was 90% made up…lol i feel a little guilty</p>

<p>guys what about math? am i the only one who found the second math section (not #2, just the second) really really hard?:frowning: :(</p>

<p>soo true ^^^
i had to skip like 4 questions on that one :S
and yeah the CR was really weird as well</p>

<p>when can we start posting questions up?</p>

<p>lol,the second math section was indeed insanely hard,i had 5 mins remainig,and there are like 5 last hard questions. so i speed up and rushed , lucky xD</p>

<p>i found math okay. i found CR slightly tough. i hope the curve is generous like -3 for the 800.</p>

<p>Yeah, I found CR a bit challenging too. What did you guys get for the question where you had to find angle X in the triangle, a part of the angle on the very top was 25 degrees, and the very right corner angle was 70 degrees? I totally blanked on that one and put in a wrong answer.</p>

<p>the grid in? 55 degrees. I think i’m gonna cancel because of the CR :(</p>

<p>apprently this was the EXACT SAME as JUne???
if this is , this is so unfair !!!

<p>yea it was 55. The CR was not good for me either. and I ran out of time for the math sect:-(</p>

<p>I have to admit; CR was quite a pain, but Writing and Math were much easier than that in October SAT.</p>

<p>Nevermind, yeah it was 55. I got it right…that was the one question I was sure I got wrong too!</p>

<p>I found the setence completions alright, but the passages were annoying.</p>

<p>Yeaaah…for some reason I finished all the questions like 5 minutes before the call. And I NEVER finished any of my practice CR passages on time.</p>