DECEMBER 2008 SAT Subject Test: Latin

<p>Did anyone even take it? So, how did it go? </p>

<p>I think I did pretty well. I got reeeeally confused by the Piso text and some of the result clauses. </p>

<p>:D I'm really hyped.</p>

<p>glad to hear you did well enthusiast. My D is taking the test right now, hoping for the same positive thinking from her when she is done.</p>

<p>Can you say what your Latin background is? She is in AP Lit this year but has never had strong vocabulary, open book tests throughout the earlier grades. She has been working on vocab after a less than hoped for practice test last June. She has never done a national latin exam or other out of school test, so this is the first.</p>

<p>I am not happy with it… :(</p>

<p>Son came back from it, but all I got was a grunt. He did say he finished it in 20 minutes and slept for the rest of the time. Fortunately, it doesn’t count for anything - he only took it to humor his Latin teacher (he’s taking AP Vergil).</p>

<p>interesting fireflyscout. D said she left 4 blank, 2 were for a reading passage she didn’t have time to finish. But overall she thought she did well. Her definition of “well” probably isn’t the cc definition of well but we’ll see.</p>

<p>D’s teacher is looking to her to tell him what is on the test, the teachers at her school are in their own world which doesn’t have much to do with the college board, outside of AP curriculum for those certain courses…</p>

<p>Lol, I think I ended up omitting 7 - some of the grammar stuff threw me because I skipped Latin II [I.E. GRAMMAR] lol and really can only translate stuff - dunno about anything else, haha.</p>

<p>lmao i had no idea what i was doing on the test. i’m in latin III, when do people usually take the test?</p>

<p>It says something like -people will do better on this test after 2-3 years of Latin - lolol I’m in my 3rd year of Latin though, and my second year of AP Latin at that, but I still don’t know grammar ;]</p>

<p>mdkx1- my D took the CB practice test last year at the end of Latin 3 and found she wasn’t sufficiently prepared. She is at the beginning of her first AP class, and besides the vocab prep she has done in the last 6 months, I think the AP material has helped. Last year she did a lot of Caesar. Good luck to all who took it! And for any class of 2010 or younger, you can always use score choice and not use this score, and maybe take again in June.</p>

<p>I’ve had 8 years of Latin, but it’s a very weak course, nothing like your APs. It was my first time translating from Latin to English, though!</p>

<p>It was like “Ok, so an irreal conditional clause with pluperfect is a irreal in Serbian with perfect and conditional, which is a 2nd type conditional clause in english with bla bla bla” which was horribly strenuous, but I made it through, somehow. :)</p>

<p>i want to take the sat latin subject test just for fun cause it’s only an hour of my saturday. i took 3 years of spanish, can speak swedish, and will see if it’s possible to even study for this test. any indication of how i’d do?</p>

<p>I think I left 3 blank. I thought this was a little easier than some of the practice tests I took <em>knocks on wood</em>, but then again, those were from a book that my Latin teacher had from 2003. The one about Piso the lawyer was tricky.</p>

<p>Most people from other high schools whom I know are like INVENIAMVIAM. Lots of experience with translation of literature, but an infirm grounding in the fundamentals of grammar…</p>

<p>I struggled a lot with this test, and i have no idea how i did. my grammar was OK, but my vocab . . . well… <em>sound of crashing plane</em></p>

<p>how did you do? My D was very happy with a 720.</p>

<p>Excellent score, jackief! Son (who slept through most of test) scored a 610.</p>

<p>Here’s what Duke tells potential classics majors about how Latin SAT IIs equate to Latin AP scores:
above 690 = 5
640-690 = 4
530-630 = 3
below 530 = 1 or 2</p>

<p>Lol, I got a 610 as well. Kill me now please. - althouuuugh Duke is definitely right, I got a 3 on the Vergil exam last year, though I didn’t actually take a Latin Vergil CLASS soooo maybe that’s why. Haha.</p>

<p>Is everyone here thinking about continuing Latin in college? InveniamViam?</p>

<p>I got an 800/800. :slight_smile: A great christmas present!</p>

<p>kwu - yep, I will be continuing Latin in college (probably, anyway). I do really like Latin, but I skipped Latin II and III and went straight from Latin I to an informal and uncertified “Latin: Vergil” class, sooooo I never learned grammar or anything, really. I feel like if I study Latin in college, I can at least learn the grammar and actually understand the word forms and whatnot (lol, but I can translate really well! So, I know what each form of a word means I just don’t know ANY grammar behind it… lolol, if that’s even possible).</p>

<p>Aaaand, awesome job, enthusiast! That’s amazing :]</p>