December 21 Scores Countdown

<p>Wow they are actually up now!</p>

<p>I got a 1760</p>

<p>Not quite an 1800, but I definately feel good. I hope everyone did good!! Goodnight to all!!</p>

<p>AHHHH ***
Please check back after Wednesday, December 27 for December SAT scores</p>

<p>Although most scores for the December SAT are online now, a small number are not yet available. Learn why your scores may not be available and check back after Wednesday, December 27.</p>

<p>We're sorry, but your scores are not available yet.</p>

<p>Please allow another week for processing before you check back for your scores.</p>

<p>Although most scores are available on the first score release day, a small percentage is not. There are a handful of reasons why scores are sometimes released later than usual. If you took a make-up test after the actual test date or your test center's answer sheets were delivered a day or two late, your scores will be released a little later. Also, if extra time is needed to match your answer sheet information (such as your name or other information about you) to your registration record, then your scores will take longer to process.</p>

<p>We are working as quickly as possible to deliver your scores to you and appreciate your patience.</p>



<p>You guys got jipped. Stupid collegeboard</p>

<p>they're up.</p>

<p>****ing collegeboard AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>omfg 2050; and i thot i did good</p>

<p>great mother ****ing christmas present, a late sat score</p>

<p>Its up... </p>

<p>Bio: 650
Math II: 700
World Hist: 760</p>

<p>you did a whole lot better than me...I really thought I could break 2000...but meh...1930 isn't that bad...especially with a 1340 CR+Math</p>

<p>For those that said their scored were delayed, go back and reload. The scores may be available now.</p>


<p>I got under 2100?</p>

<p>740 CR (I thought it was hard)
700 Writing (bleh)
650 Math </p>

<p>I don't know what happened. I expect 800 or high 700s in Math. I got 800 in Math IIC. "5" in AP Calculus BC....I must have skip a problem and shifted all the answers.</p>

<p>But I am happy about the CR and Writing. Very happy!</p>

<p>There must have been a HUGE curve for Math...pretty sure I got 3 at most wrong</p>

<p>Math: 680
CR: 610
Writing: 630</p>

<p>Total: 1920</p>

<p>This test owned me :(. I got a 2030 last time. There is no way in hell that I'm sending these scores. I can't believe that I went down in everything!!! I am so p****d off right now.</p>

<p>We're sorry, but your scores are not available yet.</p>

<p>Please allow another week for processing before you check back for your scores.</p>

<p>Although most scores are available on the first score release day, a small percentage is not. There are a handful of reasons why scores are sometimes released later than usual. If you took a make-up test after the actual test date or your test center's answer sheets were delivered a day or two late, your scores will be released a little later. Also, if extra time is needed to match your answer sheet information (such as your name or other information about you) to your registration record, then your scores will take longer to process.</p>

<p>We are working as quickly as possible to deliver your scores to you and appreciate your patience.</p>


<p>Darn... I needed a 1250 for this scholrship and only got a 1240.</p>

M: 670
W: 690</p>

<p>(1930 combined)</p>

<p>CR: 750
M: 720
W: 670</p>

<p>Total: 2140</p>

<p>Cr: 740
M:630 :(
W: 740</p>
