December 6 SAT Preparation.

<p>I have taken the SAT in October and got a 2130 with a 12 on the essay. I want to pick up my scores a little bit and I'm wondering if you guys have any tips? Also, do you have any sites or books that I can do before I take the December test? Also, how much do you think I can improve by? Thanks!</p>

<p>^ That’s a million dollar question…</p>

<p>You should definitely post a breakdown of your scores, recent prep etc. etc.</p>

<p>It would help to know your Math and CR scores. You should probably take a look at Barron’s SAT 2400.</p>

<p>My son, sophomore HS, got 690 (CR=9Wrong), 780(M=1Wrong), 710(WR=3Wrong), 9(Essay) => 2180 in Oct. SAT1.
Please give him any tips/advice (books, website, tips, …) to improve his CR & WR</p>


<p>^ Sir, for a sophomore that’s pretty amazing</p>

<p>idk, did anyone feel that the October test was easier than usual? A lot of people’s scores jumped up really high and I even took this test without any sleep and pulled off an ok score.</p>

<p>Barron`s 2400 ;] this is the answer</p>