<p>I was surprised to get my son's December test results in the mail???...when they have not even been posted online yet???</p>
<p>What? I thought scores were mailed out after they are released online.</p>
<p>is this the truth?</p>
<p>I thought it was weird, too…but it did come today. honest.</p>
<p>were his scores good?</p>
<p>What state do you live in?</p>
<p>We live in Illinois. His composite score was exactly the same as his October 2008 test.</p>
<p>Not really a great score by CC standards…but acceptable for him.</p>
<p>Maybe it was the Oct. test date? Are you sure it was the Dec. one?</p>
<p>Positive it is December. Even though he got the same composite, he got different subject scores for each.</p>
<p>Do you live in the same city as the ACT headquarters?</p>
<p>ACT headquarters is in Iowa. I live in Illinois</p>
<p>wow, hm. Maybe they sent it by mistake.</p>
<p>Yeah, maybe…but it’s so weird because none of his friends have received their scores either.</p>
<p>Anyway, I guess it takes the fun out of waiting until Monday!</p>
<p>Takes the FUN out of it?</p>
<p>I’m practically DYING for my ACT scores.</p>
<p>really, very interesting i wish i got mine earlier</p>
<p>yeah i live in illinois too and i didnt get anything :(</p>
<p>I am quite dubious of what you are saying. You are either an internet ■■■■■, or the ACT seriously screwed up.</p>
<p>Here is why I am dubios</p>
<li><p>On the ACT Math 2008 thread, you posted a question that only test takers on that exact date would know.</p></li>
<li><p>On other threads, you always talk about your son, who is already attending college. Now it is possible that you have more than 1 son, but i find it quite strange that you and your son have the same account on CC.</p></li>
<li><p>Maybe the person posting this message is your son. If you have auto login enabled in your browser, then your son could be playing a game with everybody just to see how they get riled up.</p></li>
<p>Now i could be wrong, and the ACT seriously screwed up, but from my experience, the ACT seems to be like the secret service when it comes out to mailing scores.</p>
<p>Kneemoose: Trust me. I am a regular mom…not an internet ■■■■■. I DO have another son in college…did it ever occur to you that I might have ANOTHER son? He is a junior in high school. If I could, I would scan the ACT report he received yesterday and post it…but I don’t think I can do that.</p>
<p>Two other explanations: ACT did screw up - but also he did not report his score to his high school. Maybe that “speeds up the process” somewhat? In either case, I am planning on contacting ACT on Monday to find out why this happened…and I will report back to everyone on this site.</p>
<p>We got my daughter’s ACT scores in the mail today from the 12/13 test. We live in Alabama.</p>