December Scores

The december ACT was my first ACT, so I don’t have any previous score except for a lowish SAT I took in october.
I’m afraid that submitting the applications before ACT score reports are being sent results in instant-rejection.
Would you recommene calling the colleges? Or maybe putting that in the commonapp additional information section?

This is a confusing post. It does not matter which comes first. Why would it?

I’ve heard of many ACT score delays, and I’m afraid that happens to me as well. If colleges don’t know that there’s a pending score report, why shouldn’t they just reject me?

You’ll probably get your MC scores before the January deadline. Then you can already self-report them under “testing” on CommonApp. If this isn’t possible, because you haven’t received your writing scores yet, then just indicate “ACTs previously taken: 0, planned: 1. December 2015” and the schools will know that they’ll soon receive the December score.

There’s no need to call a college. And if your scores will be delayed, then so will the scores of others.