December Term and Physics/Theater

Hello! This seems to be a very quiet sub-forum but I am hoping someone can chime in.

Question 1) What is the story with the December term? Do most students do it? Is it required? If they don’t do it, does that mean that students go home from Thanksgiving through early January?

Question 2) Does anyone here have experience with either the Physics department or the musical theater opportunities in the theater department?

Thank you in advance!

Hi, my kid is very interested in Lawrence, so this is a question we’ve looked into. Seems like D-term is wholly optional, and while 3 credits are awarded, they don’t count toward gen-ed requirements. There is also added tuition and housing costs (grants are awarded, not sure if these cover the full cost). Finally, it looks like they don’t offer food on campus during D-term. I can’t find numbers of student who do D-term, but given the additional costs and lack of food, I’d expect most kids go home from Thanksgiving to January. We have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it makes for a good, long break (and it’s long enough that a kid can get a job – so many places need seasonal help). On the other hand, if you don’t want that long of a break, that’s something to consider.

No info on the physics department per se, but the National Science Foundation releases a list of the 50 undergraduate institutions with the highest rate of alums going on to pursue Ph.D.s in science and engineering subjects. Lawrence makes the list, which suggests strong sciences in general.

My kid also quite interested in theater. There appear to be three mainstage performances a year, pretty good for a small school, but that’s a mix of straight plays and musical theater.