Decision Date

Do ED athletic recruits find out the admissions decision at the same date as all ED applicants?



Thank you!

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For what school? Ivy likely letters are often sent well before December, for example.

Depends on the school. Mine found out about 2 weeks after all her documents were submitted and about 8 weeks before other ED applicants


Not an Ivy but D1

Usually the coach explains this pretty well upfront. I’d check in and ask. There are a lot of D1 schools out there and the policies aren’t uniform across all of them.


We asked my son’s college advisor that specific question this morning. For most schools, commits find out the same time as other applicants. Some schools will give some heads up to some athletes. Ivies will give likely letters but not always. Basically, assume no info ahead of time. It can happen but don’t expect it.


It could vary by school, but at all the ones he or his friends were involved with (academically selective LACs - D3 ), they heard when everyone else it.