Decision day

<p>Ok, as the fateful day comes nearer, I find myself not able to sleep, do work, eat, or do anything other than think about going on TAMS to see if decisions are out. </p>

<p>Quick question: Will we be emailed when admissions releases decisions, or do we just have to just keep checking TAMS? </p>

<p>I'm sure that all of the early-decision-ers are just as nervous and antsy as I am...GAHHHHH! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>you get an email when decisions are ready
are you applying for FA?
if so, can you see your financial aid document tracking yet?</p>

<p>ok. thanks! and no, i’m not. sorry.</p>

<p>hm its OK
i can see one of my papers is missing from FA and it just popped up later on tonight and I cant help but read into this! I hope it is a good sign</p>

<p>hmm…strange. do you think that decisions will come out before friday? i hope so…</p>

<p>im quite certain they will be out before monday but i wouldnt think any earlier than friday</p>

<p>i think they’ll be out by the afternoon on friday or at least i hope</p>

<p>i was hoping they’d be out before…i am going away on friday. i guess the first thing ill do when i get to my hotel room is check.</p>

<p>Yeah, I am ED1 too, and I am guessing Friday. We can cross our fingers for Thursday, but who knows. Hopefully it’s the latest by Friday. I hear Tufts does all their score releasing at 12 PM, so I will be at school.</p>

<p>^^^^^ Beware misinformation.</p>

<p>You’re killing us Dan!
Show some mercy and give us some more reliable information!</p>

<p>unfortunately, dan is very limited as to what he can say here. its a very sensitive process and in such a litigious culture he is right to be wary.</p>

<p>all I can say is that from looking at past notifications, Friday seems likely, but for the past two years the 15th has been on the weekend so Friday made sense. We may have to wait until monday.</p>

<p>To address the point about Financial Aid Document section, that section became active for me last night and it said I hadn’t submitted my documents. Turns out they had my CSS profile (so that might be a common error). I e-mailed them my tax returns and they said all was okay because they’re need blind and so my financial aid documents weren’t necessary for my admissions decision (I just wouldn’t hear about financial aid right away). So, if this has happened to you, don’t be afraid. They were VERY nice and helpful and worked everything out.</p>

<p>I just REALLY hope Friday or Monday brings good news…</p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you</p>


<p>p.s. I too cannot sleep, eat, or do anything.</p>

<p>when I do sleep, I get awful stress dreams…</p>

<p>so maybe the decisions release on a weekend? They might use Friday as a working day. </p>

<p>THIS is hard.</p>

<p>My favorite line from the movie The Sandbox: “You’re killing me, Smalls!”</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Smalls](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>You’ll all get e-mails when decisions are available, and there will be no way to tell your decision until then. Hang tight, folks. The speculation about the decision release time isn’t helpful, and it isn’t bringing you any closer to accuracy or information.</p>

<p>gahh. yeah…i guess all we can do is wait. i had the scariest dream the other night. i had a dream that i had a dream that i was accepted…and thought it was true when i woke up in the morning. so i told all my friends, and then i looked online and was rejected. it was horrible.

<p>Not unusual at all! I had two dreams about Tufts last week. In dream #1 I was accepted, and I told my teacher and everyone and I kept checking TAMS to make sure I am not dreaming and then I woke up and realized I really was dreaming. In dream #2 I was rejected, and woke up realizing that I know nothing yet.</p>

<p>Oh, it’s a hard time but this week has literally gone so fast for me (especially since I am done the SATs).</p>

<p>So we’re all waiting.</p>

<p>to all those who applied ED
should we have received Username and Password yet to log into TAMS</p>

<p>yeah i received mine when i sent in my application</p>

<p>I have a “feeling” that today is the day.</p>