Decision E-mail

<p>Ok, I am on the edge of flipping out. I e-mailed Cornell because I did not receive my e-mail for finding out the decision, and this is what I got in return:</p>

<pre><code> Dear Applicant,

The emails that were sent out only apply to those applying for early decision.

<p>I sent in my stuff at the last second, but it was still positively before the deadline. Should I call Cornell now?</p>

<p>I am worried that if my information was misread or something that I will be auto-rejected since all the decisions are in already. What should I do?</p>

<p>Call them!</p>

<p>well did you get a u/n and pass to check the status of your application? (not the decision, but the status of your app on the Cornell site)
if you did, and it says on there that they received your stuff and that you are applying ED, then you should email or call them again explaining the situation. if not, then well i’m sorry to tell you but your stuff did not reach them in time.</p>

<p>I thought the Cornell decision is tomorrow, not today?</p>

<p>chronicfuture is saying they never got the email with their PIN and password.</p>

<p>Yeah, the weird thing is that the admissions website at Cornell (not the pin/pw one) says that I am early decision. Calling right now.</p>

<p>Ugh, admissions office is only open to 4:30, with my luck I won’t be able to get contact with anyone until tomorrow…</p>

<p>Also, do you think I should just call the main office? Or should I just wait until tomorrow?</p>

<p>going through the same dilemma. i am. FREAKING out. but i sent in my stuff a month before it was due, so they had all my stuff.</p>

<p>i would suggest calling. thats what i’m going to do tomorrow. i mean, i already e-mailed them but i can’t wait.</p>

<p>Both of you, just call admissions first thing tomorrow.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m going to go to school late just so I can call.</p>

<p>Also, xtnlee, did they tell you that you didn’t apply early also?</p>

<p>Anyway, I am just so worried that my application reading will be skewed if they haven’t read it yet…</p>

<p>no, they didn’t tell me anything.
but i think it has to do with the fact that put REGULAR DECISION for my supplement but ed for my common app. I set thath straight with the admissions office way before, but maybe they forgot? IDK. My applicantid says i have everything in and whatnot.</p>

<p>I even attempted to make my own pin # account but when I got on, it said my application wasn’t started…so yeah. i had a nervous breakdown before.</p>

<p>I e-mailed them twice, but they’re obviously not working right now (11:35PM), so I’m going to call Cornell around 10AM. </p>

<p>Goodluck with everything.</p>

<p>I REALLY think I didn’t get it because I’m rejected anyway and they forgot about me.</p>

<p>Yeah, I just checked both the applications for the billionth time and they all say ED.</p>

<p>A very peculiar thing, however, is that my Cornell symbol in the couple hours changed from the green arrow to the the yellow one. Anyone have any idea what this means?</p>

<p>those arrows are always changing colors.
i wouldn’t worry too much about it.</p>

<p>ok i just called them and there was a pre-recorded message saying we should contact uao e-mail person or w/e. i still didn’t get an e-mail…ughh!</p>

<p>Wait, what arrows? Am I missing out on something?</p>

<p>Okay, I just called Admissions Office, and of course I could not get a straight answer, and was told to e-mail a lady, who is likely going to take forever to respond!!! I think I will call again and hang up if I have the same officer.</p>