decision help?

<p>Okay so, I applied to a bunch of schools, not expecting to get into all of them, and also because I change my mind every week about where I want to go to college. Also, I figured that with more options, there would be higher odds of me getting aid somewhere. (money is a BIG factor in my decision)
I have been accepted to (all 4 yr nursing programs):
Case Western (17.5k/yr)
York Coll (6k/year)
Lynchburg (14k/yr+honors)</p>

<p>still waiting on UDel, UVA, TCNJ
and rejected (at least I think..might be a deferral) from psu hahahahaaa</p>

<p>any in site/recommendations on any of these programs? pretty much my top 5 are udel, uva, villanova, michigan, pitt</p>

<p>Michigan, Pitt and CWRU all have hospitals on campus or within a block or two.
My daughter did not apply to Michigan (too far) and had a difficult time deciding between CWRU and Pitt. She eventually chose Pitt (her mother received her BSN & MSN from there).
Any of these three would be good choices (not that the others are not).
BTW - if you got into Michigan and Pitt’s School of Nursing then you shouldn’t have been deferred or denied at PSU. Just my opinion…</p>

<p>yeah I was a bit surprised at psu. I can’t even tell which one it is because they said “we are unable to give you admission at this time.” what does that even mean hahaha
then again, it was a last minute app on nov 30th. i basically copied and pasted my commonapp essay into their essay box. probably went over the maximum by A LOT. I’m perfectly fine not going to psu though because spending the last 2 years in hershey isn’t exactly my idea of a fantastic college experience.</p>

<p>how does your daughter like pitt? I visited over the summer, and liked it minus the hills (I’m terrified of driving on hills, lame I know) Michigan will probably get crossed out eventually as OOS tuition is ridiculous. Plus my mom would rather not have me going to college 10 hours away.</p>

<p>My daughter loves Pitt. She sometimes thinks about the 1600 clinical hours that CWRU offers and wonders what it would be like to carry a full credit load and to have clinicals during her freshman year but overall is really enjoying her experiences at Pitt.</p>

<p>We live in W. PA so she learned how to drive on hills. Not that it matters to her at Pitt. Parking is hugely expensive and she did not take a car to school. As part of her tuition costs her Pitt ID can be used as a free bus/trolley pass anywhere in the city so she really doesn’t need to drive.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision!</p>

<p>Aglages, would you mind posting some details of what your daughter loves about Pitt and Pitt nursing? Your comments may be helpful to my daughter. She has been admitted and loved what she saw while visiting but is absolutely agonizing over making the decision between Pitt and one other school she got into. Thanks.</p>

<p>You are fortunate to have so many good choices. I hope my daughter will have similar choices when she applies. </p>

<p>I assume you would drop Widener, York and Lynchburg from the list.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t try to make a decision until you know the net cost of all of your choices. Unfortunately, you may not hear from UVa until March 30th.</p>

<p>UVa said they accepted 57 RN students last year and expected that all of them would enroll. If true, that would be amazing. They just expanded their nursing school building and you have a huge medical complex across the street. They also have great financial aid, and it is a fun town.</p>

<p>Pittsburgh also is a great town for both health care and for college life.</p>

<p>Villanova has an advantage of being a middle-sized university that has a very supportive environment. Although it is not quite as close to large hospitals, you have great light rail and commuter rail service to many large medical facilities. They have recently made major improvements to their need based financial aid. </p>

<p>The Cleveland area is not doing well at all economically. I would prefer to go to college in a place that was growing.</p>

<p>Newark is another great college town.</p>

<p>I’m guessing that Penn State simply ran out of room. They have rolling admissions and many nursing students apply early because they know the seats are limited and in great demand. By the way, at Penn State you only spend one year at Hershey Medical Center. It is a huge modern complex and a nice town. My sister, a RN with many years of experience, highly recommended their program.</p>

ahhh I appreciate the advice a lot! You assume right for those three, as they are on the bottom. TCNJ felt more like a bubble college to me, but I would prefer to have more of a college-town atmosphere. Its in-state though, so it all depends on the funds.
I’m pretty much between UDel and UVA (fingers crossed for getting in!) Is it true that UVA meets 100% of need?<br>
Michigan is probably next off the list, as I sincerely doubt I will be getting much aid from them…and my mom would prefer me to not be 10 hours away. (She really likes UDel haha) So its basically down to UDel, UVA, Nova, Pitt
I’m going to be visiting Nova, UDel, and hopefully UVA again soon to take a more indepth look at their nursing schools
I actually just spent the weekend at a conference right across the street from the Hershey Medical Center. My roommate had to be taken there for a few hours and its such a great hospital. As much as I love visiting Hershey, its more of a weekend place like once or twice a year for me. </p>

<p>I applied to a lot of places because I wanted to make sure I would have enough options. Admissions are such a crap shoot sometimes, that it really got me nervous (especially after watching my 2200 SAT sister get screwed over and rejected from her top schools)(which happened to be Ivys, so I wanted to make sure I was not going to be in the position where I would be crying the entire first two weeks of April.)</p>

<p>Yes, UVa meets 100% of need for both instate and out of state students. UVa has bit hit by some big state budget cuts, but the state only funds less than 8% of the university. Nursing should be fine, but I read people in other programs complaining about increased first year class sizes.</p>

<p>We’re rooting for you to choose UVA, crider. but to have Pitt, Nova and Case Western Reserve as options is truly awesome.</p>

<p>thank you everyone for the great advice!
I keep changing my mind every day, but lately I’ve been leaning more towards UVA :)</p>