Decision Question

<p>So I've been going to community college now for a year and I have about 2 semesters left before I get my associates in science and can transfer for my final 2 years of business administration. My decision i'm trying to make is should I go an extra semester and also get an associates in applied science (Marketing). It would only require one more semester of classes. I don't know if two associates would be helpful or just a waste of time and money. I likely will have to take a year or more off before I can afford to go after my bachelors in the first place. I guess my question would just be would going to school the extra semester and getting an applied associates be helpful at all? Thanks for any opinions.</p>

<p>After earning 1 Assoicates degree, I would move on to getting the bachelors degree. Do not spend your time & money getting the 2nd associates.</p>

<p>Go to the Comm College transfer center and learn about the most afforadable routes to get your bachelors. Become friends with them - they are a wealth of info. Or spend some time on the transfer section on coll.confdntl.</p>