
<p>Do you think any admission decisions will go out over break this week?</p>

<p>The admissions office is open this week!</p>

<p>I believe the break is only for the students, while faculty and staff continue working.
Hopefully decisions will be sent our this week!!!</p>

<p>Why does TCU make students wait for snail mail?? it’s 2011 for heaven’s sake, for admissions decisions universities should use e-mail, the admissions individual web portal or heck just text me!!..but waiting for the post man is so last century!!!</p>

<p>My sons portal reads “Congratulations on your admission” now, but before that it read back and forth between the “we’ve received” (however that was stated) and “an admission decision has been mailed to your home” and then it changed a few days after that finally. It does seem a little glitchy but I think it might show up on the my.tcu portal before the mail? Maybe that’s not true across the board though.</p>

<p>D first received an email from her California Regional Admission Counselor congratulating her and then her status changed on the web portal. Admission packet was mailed March 8th and finally arrived today (more then a 1 week later!!) with a nice personalized letter referring to her commitment to her volunteer work. TCU told us yesterday that it should have taken only 4 days. I guess our postal service is a little on the slow side.</p>

<p>I got an email from my admission counselor on March 2nd congratulating me while my portal still said “reviewing”. About a week and a half later, my portal changed to “decision has be mailed to your home”.</p>

<p>I just got the actual packet today.</p>

<p>I emailed my counselor last week and she said that, due to the huge pool of applicants this year, the responses are a bit out of order/slow.</p>

<p>S received the packet today as well. Guess I should have also noted that S also rec’d email from Dept chair congratulating him on acceptance, but his came the same day my.tcu was updated.</p>

<p>Right now my status keeps switching from application complete to decision mailed… Weird</p>

<p>I know that today is the last day that scholarship notifications will be sent out. I found out through the FB page.</p>

<p>Do you know how scholarship notifications will be sent or will it show on my.tcu? I suppose I should look that up… :)</p>

<p>and KT, that’s exactly what my sons status did for at least a day, made us crazy. Good thoughts your way!</p>

<p>Thanks! I really hope I get in, but now I’m kind of worried because some of my friends have been rejected.</p>

<p>I think the scholarship information is under the financial aid section of under accept/decline financial aid information</p>

<p>I was able to find my scholarship before I got my packet. It’s in view my financial aid on</p>

<p>Wait-listed :-(.
Letter on plain envelope arrived by mail. Status on mytcu never changed.</p>

<p>I logged on this morning and saw the “Congratulations” message! :)</p>

<p>Congrats KT!!! :)</p>

<p>Thank you!! I cannot wait until cheerleading tryouts!</p>