Decisions being mailed?

<p>Yeah, if it wasn’t for my GPA I’m sure I would be in. But it looks like I’m doing Blinn which is really disappointing. But hopefully I can transfer after a year (or a semester, if I can somehow use my AP credits to my advantage). When I know for sure I can set up a meeting with a Blinn counselor and get everything going.</p>

<p>David, have you been accepted into Blinn?</p>

<p>Yup. So now I’m waiting to hear back from TAMU.</p>

<p>Hi DavidSH, I got the same exact email. The way I read it, it sounds like at least we won’t get a flat-out rejection. Is that the way you read it as well? I don’t want to get my hopes up, but what I am taking away from this email is that they are going to offer one of the four options for sure. Your thoughts?</p>

<p>I applied for Freshman Admission for the 2011-2012 year and I remember getting an email just like ya’ll received. Unfortunately, I was in the top 13% of my class which was a 5A High school and I remember doing welll on my SAT, especially the math portion, and I ended up getting waitlisted. which ended up being a flat no. They didn’t accept anyone of the wait list for this school year, all they did was give out Blinn TEAM to a couple hundred kids. Each year they get more and more applications, most of which are automatic acceptance. I wish ya’ll the best of luck!</p>

<p>davidsh - i can pretty much guarantee you won’t be able to transfer in after a semester.</p>

<p>the ony way i see you possibly getting in in january is of you st out this semester and apply as a new freshman. i don’t know if this will work, but i am positive the other wont.</p>



<p>Absolutely the way I read it. However, the one about going to a different campus is kind of standard if I’ve heard right. But a flat no, I don’t know about that. I hope not. But the e-mail didn’t say they wouldn’t give out a straight up rejection; doesn’t mean they won’t, though.</p>



<p>Yeah, it’ll be tough. I have 15ish credit hours so far and I want to do summer school (I want to move out early and start school early so I can graduate early) so MAYBE. If I’m lucky. I know of someone who did and she did it the way I’m doing it. I don’t expect it to work, though; it’s just my goal.</p>

<p>my daughter wanted to transfer in after one semester. she had been admitted for the fall but chose another school. she had 24 AP/DUAL credits and a 4.12 at the school she did go to, so no slouchy stats). they would.not.even.consider her until she had completed 24 credits (not including the AP/DUAL). i would find someone to talk about this now, before you start at another college. that way you might have a chance to be admitted for january. </p>

<p>you can think i am wrong if you want, but i promise you your chances of transferring in after one semester are nil or very close to it. how did your friend manage that?</p>

<p>I don’t know about transferring, but Blinn is not a bad option. I know people who are in the Corps that are doing Blinn Team and they are treated as a regular TAMU student. You are still considered a full student, you just take the majority of your classes at Blinn. It’s actually a better deal in some ways, because the classes at Blinn are way less expensive than the exact same classes you’d take at TAMU, depending on your major.</p>

<p>But, if you are offered Blinn Team, remember that you will not take all of your classes at Blinn – you’ll still have some at A&M, so don’t feel like you got flat-out rejected, because you didn’t. Maybe you will be offered Aggie Gateway too?</p>

<p>I think it would be possible with 15 in high school and 12 in summer school then the applicant would have 27 at time of application. I imagine it would be difficult, but not impossible.</p>

<p>But I had heard the same thing that sitting out a semester for “travel” or “community service” and applying as January freshman has an equally good shot.</p>

<p>My daughter was fully accepted with 15 dual and 15 her first semester, but not until Summer 2012. She will have 43 hours at the end of spring when she fully joins A&M.</p>

<p>If not fully admitted, I would like to do the Gateway program. I wouldn’t mind doing summer school, plus, you geta head start. I’d almost rather do it…</p>

<p>Crusher – you will just have to see what you are offered. Absolutely take Gateway program over Blinn Team. If you do well during the summer you absolutely will have a head start over the entering freshman class, which will include me, haha.</p>

<p>I’m just exploring my possible options. I will accept whatever I am offered, as long as it’s not a rejection. Haha. Compared to others who have been offered Blinn, I think I have a strong chance, with the exception of my “average” SAT scores… I really need to learn how to wait… It’s impossible to decipher the admissions process… ;)</p>

<p>Oh, I wasn’t offered Blinn Team. I applied on my own a couple months ago as a “just in case” kind of thing. Glad I did.</p>

<p>Did you get a notification? Or was that a clarification to my previous question?</p>

<p>No I haven’t heard back yet. I’m just assuming the worst haha</p>

<p>You both should stop stressing. Honestly, it’s not the end of the world if you get a flat-out rejection, which I highly doubt you will. You both seem like very qualified students to go to A&M, and it seems like they make sure anyone who wants to go there can go there, so that’s why they have a lot of those programs to let students transfer. </p>

<p>Who knows…maybe you’ll be in the last-minute acceptance piles… It’s really anyone’s guess. Their admissions process can be incredibly cumbersome and time consuming. It’s just best to focus on other things (like graduating high-school) and just forget about it until the letter comes.</p>

<p>Trust me, I’ve tried to quit stressing about it. Honestly, it helps me out by talking about it with other people who are in the same boat as me. I like to come up with scenarios that help ease my anticipation. It’s fun and it helps me out… Haha</p>

<p>I got the same email and so did my friend from school. He seriously has me freaking out. I’ve been checking AIS probably at least 5 times an hour because I am so hung up about it. Everyone please post when they find out what they got even if it is a rejection! I will too! Haha I’m just curious to know when we start receiving our admission decisions.</p>

<p>same here im an international student applied to engineering though it doesnt matter much as i plan to attend Purdue.</p>