Decisions for deferred students

Okay so I called this morning and no one answered so I was told to leave a message and I didn’t so I hung up befroe the “beep”…Sorry guys, I’ll try calling again tomorrow morning and hopefully I’ll get an answer. I can’t call after school today because by the time I get out, the office will be closed (time difference).

The voice recording told me to leave a message by the way…Not an actual person.

Oh and I’ll leave a message tomorrow if there’s no answer.

Anyone else get accepted who was deferred ED?
This waiting is excruciating!

also anyone ED deferred get a scholarship?

NOT ED deferred - EA deferred – sorry

Called today and the woman on the phone said that decisions for Deffered students would be out within the next week at the latest.

The waiting is awful.

Tx @nickmj15‌

I have a communication - reads decision mailed - but nothing comes up!!!

Same with me!

I opened mine on the computer (you need to enable block ups) and I was waitlisted…Accepted the waitlist… :confused:

still nothing for me.

@spldnlvr‌ how did you accept the wait list? Any time I go to the page on the UM website, I just get a blank screen no matter what browser I use.

@soundandfury22 There was a link in my admission decision.

I was waitlisted as well. I was originally deferred from ED. Really disappointed because the U has been my dream school since I was a freshman. I’m going to put a deposit down for UF, but I’m going to hope for the best. There is still a chance.

Does anyone know the chances of being taken off the waitlist? If I got in to the spring 2016 semester do I have a better chance of getting in for the fall semester?

This whole waitlist thing is so confusing…

anyone else STILL waiting to hear back? I called and they said by the end of the month.