Decisions Released

<p>congrats, dakrnadict and others. seems like 3.3 is the minimum GPA VaTech wanted to see from us regular, non-athletic-scholoraship applicants. flshortie08, you were probably oh-so close to getting in, though I'm surprised you didn't even get waitlisted.</p>

<p>Got my letter today. Got in to Engineering
SAT: m710 v600
GPA: 3.55
3 AP's, rest honors
Good EC's etc.</p>

<p>also, it would be helpful if everyone would put where else they applied also and the decisions if they have recieved yet</p>

<p>Gpa: 3.48
SAT: 1280</p>

<p>Accepted: VT, UConn, Clemson, UVM, URI</p>

<p>No rejections</p>

<p>Accepted as Undecided Major</p>

<p>GPA: 4.815/3.something
ACT: 32</p>

<p>Accepted at Georgia Tech, Elon, and waiting for Wake Forest, Emory and Duke (after being deferred ED)</p>

<p>shortie...i applied to pamplin...i was accepted into accounting and information systems...i am wondering how with 80 points lower on my SATs and being an out of stater got me in ahead of you?</p>

<p>as i unsuccesfully tried to point out in my last post, i think the reason you got in-- and not shortie--probably had a lot to do with the GPA. Virginia Tech receives a large number of applications that, in order to help keep the selection process as simple as possible, they must find ways to cut applicants immediately. Perhaps they have an understated GPA requirement that certain applicants must have in order to actually go through the review process. You, with your 3.3_, were probably right above it, and shortie right below it. This, of course, is just speculation. However, if what I've said is completely off for VaTech, I'm sure that for some schools, this is similar to how the admission process actually works.</p>

<p>congratz jtran10 ~! Vtech is your first choice right?? so far I have, PSU, NEU, SUNY Binghamton, RIT, UVIC and VTech accepted,,
1 rejection from canada -_-</p>

<p>see you in September~</p>

<p>man i shouldn't have slacked in 9th and 10th grade lol</p>

<p>i'm going to try to start appealing today after school, so basically i just call, plead my case, write letter, do whatever i can to make them see i want in?</p>

<p>I can't check my online status because I lost that e-mail, but I didn't get any letters yesterday. Did they send rejection letter out yesterday? The strange thing is is that three kids in my school that I know applied and I have better apps than two of them. Much better than one of them. Since VT only had the little optional essay too, I can't really see how they could make a very subjective admission. My EC's are almost exactly the same as one of the kids who applied, he has more volunteer hours but I have a couple good awards/distinctions that he didn't. The two kids applied undeclared just like me too.
I have a 1330 SAT (670V, 660M), a 3.99 GPA, white new jersey male, applied undeclared. Football, lacrosse for 4 years. Student and Class Council frosh and soph year. American legion boys state delegate, wendy's hs heisman nominee, i took 5 out of the 7 AP classes our school offers. Im taking 4 of those AP's this year. Took the hardest course load every year. I volunteer teaching sunday school at my church about once a month. First semester grades: three A's, three B's.
I also got the application for the honors program in the mail and applied, the two kids didn't.
And does anyone know if the post office is deliverin mail today?</p>

<p>Your stats sound definately good enough to get in. Have you heard from the other two people who applied from your school whether they got their letters?</p>

<p>Keith, if you got the honors app in the mail I would be very surprised with your stats if you did not get in. Yes they deliver mail today and Saturday. My son had similar stats, letter came yesterday, granted he is in VA. The only way you might not get in is if Tech fills up the out of state portion. Once again though, we have seen around here that the everyone that received the honors app in the mail was also accepted this week. EVERYONE. relax, we want your mind and out of state tuition... :)</p>

<p>didn't mention it in the PM, but yeah, I'd have to agree with sparkles and pilot and say that you're in. That's a very nice GPA you have there.</p>

<p> guys are right I got it yesterday in the mail. My friends got their letters on Thursday. Nothing in the letter about the honors program though, so I don't know if that means I didn't get it, or if they just didn't decide yet. Anyone else hear about the honors?Thanks for the comments, and have a good easter/ spring vacation.</p>

<p>S received a letter and application for the honors program in late January.</p>

<p>My son received the application for honors and applied. He also received his acceptance for admissions this week, but no mention of honors acceptance. According to the VT website, freshman scholarships will be notified on/around 4/4, so I suspect that the honors decisions will also be made around that time. Looks like we all need a little more patience..............</p>

<p>i got the honors app, but i didnt apply. but depending on how april 1 treats me, i might apply to honors. do y'all think i have a shot? 1300 sat for engineering. 4.38 gpa. 53/488. average ec's. no spectacular awards</p>

<p>also, if we got a honors app, does that mean we really have a good chance, or do they give it almost everyone</p>

<p>I got into Engineering
GPA: 3.896
SAT: 1330 (760m, 570v)
SAT IIs: 720 Writing, 650 Physics, 660 Math IIc
ACT: 30</p>

<p>Unfortunately, many of my friends who applied to engineering got accepted to VT, but rejected from the Engineering school. Instead, they're stuck with University Honors. Anyone else get that?</p>

<p>I'm in to Pamplin. Economics/Marketing (double). :) Very excited... I can't wait</p>

<p>what do u mean redski? stuck with honors? how were they accepted and rejected?</p>