Decisions vs. Texas A&M

Hello all,

Like many of you, I have yet to hear back from Texas A&M and am probably going to get either BLINN or PSA. However, I would like y’alls opinion. Texas A&M has been my dream aschool and has been since i was 5. I have been accepted as a direct admit to Indiana business and accepted to UT-Austin economics. Let’s say I receive BLINN, should I stick with it or go to either UT or Indiana and possibly transfer in?

What major are you trying to do at blinn?

Finance (business)

What makes you think you will not get full admission?

It really just depends on which school you want to graduate from. Blinn Team is a great program, and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of a full admit student. Blinn Team students blend in with all the other Aggie’s on campus.

If your plans are already to transfer in, I would stick with Blinn Team if you get offered that. It would be much easier than trying to transfer in, because transfers have it so bad, their requirements are really high.

If you want to go to A&M, I wouldn’t go to t.u.

I’m curious as to why you think TAMU will just offer you Blinn team considering UT offered you admission. UT is generally slightly more selective. Also why did you apply for an economics major at UT if you intend to do finance?

If you were accepted to UT I would think an acceptance at A&M would be a pretty sure thing. Did you apply horribly late or what?

@KohliTheBeast I applied economics because I knew there would be no way I would get into Mccombs.

@carachel2 I applied to both A&M and UT august 1.

@samualjackson123 Well either way if you got into UT even for just economics I think you should be fine for TAMU since the business school isn’t specifically selective. As long as you get into TAMU itself you should get into Mays business school.

The last few years there has been several students who get admitted at UT but not TAMU (much to the dismay of longhorn fans). TAMU has become more popular in recent years with a bigger group of applicants than they used to have. The old thinking of if you get into UT you definitely get into TAMU no longer applies to review candidates ( IMO they need to even out the auto admit % and give TAMU the exception as well looking at the admission results forums this year)

As for going to UT and transferring, that would work just as well as any other college - admissions doesn’t acknowledge the school rivalry and plus, what great essay material. However, economics is not finance, I would probably select IU. You would be taking the correct courses and then apply for one of the 100 transfer slots to Mays. If you do that, be prepared to come in with a high transfer GPA, you’ll need it to be competitive.

Not sure where the info. above comes from ^ ?? Mays is one of the most popular colleges on campus, it regularly boasts either one or two with the average stats of admits ( due to the high amount of auto admits - it fills quick). This school fills by availability with rolling admissions vs. competition for majors - with the exception of COE. They do hold open a few select spots (at least that is my understanding) for outstanding review admits near the end of the admissions cycle - but, it is a very small amount.

Like @AGmomx2 said if you applied late in the cycle you may not get into Mays. My bad, I just assumed you applied early.

Have received my admit to COE at Galveston with the option of transferring to College station. How does this work. and admitted to FYE. how do you compete for a major. I am an international student and want to pursue Mechanical Engineering. I have admits to Ohio state University for Mechanical. Purdue on waitlist or may get exploratory studies as alternate major. Having a hard time to decide between them. Would appreciate your help.

@MechE13 After the end of your first year if you have a GPA 3.5 or greater you will automatically be admitted into mechanical engineering at College Station. Otherwise, you would be reviewed for acceptance into your major. Either way you are guaranteed a transfer to the main campus at college station after your first year.

Just wanted to update everyone that I was given PSA despite having a 1340 sat, 4.1 W gpa / 3.55 UW gpa and being top quartile (school doesn’t rank). Definitely thought Eagle Scout, NHS officer, baseball team captain and 150+ hours off community service would’ve gotten me in, especially to liberal arts. Ironic thing is that I help at the writing center at my school and have helped with admissions essays for A&M, and those people got full and BLINN and I didn’t.

Oh well, UT-Austin here I come! (Completely shocked that I got into UT full and not even offered BLINN at A&M, usually it’s the other way around!)