I'm a jr in highschool right now. My GPA average so far, is probably about
3.0 +/- (BEFORE my horrible GPA this year...) I was wondering if I still had any chance to get into a 'decent' college.</p>
<p>I'm Asian, so I'm not sure if that would bring down my chances a lot or not. My first two years of highschool, I was in band. That was basically two free A's for me. Symphonic Band both years, and section leader second year.. My school is really big into the whole band thing, and I think, is pretty well known in California.</p>
<p>This year, I'm not in band, and I just racked myself with whatever classes.. which I think was mistake. My hardest year by far, but some might say my classes are pretty easy, but not for me.</p>
<p>My classes are:
My schedule this year is:
(I dropped my band classes, for more a variety)
1.American Literature (C+1st Semester Jr year)
2.Creative Writing (B 1st Semester Jr year) 2nd Semester = Phsychology
3.Physics (C 1st Semester Jr year)
4.Pre Calculus (C 1st Semester Jr year)
6.US history (B+1st Semester Jr year)
7.Ecology (B+1st Semester Jr year)
8.French II (C+1st Semester Jr year)</p>
<p>My worst GPA in highschool is probably this semester.. (1st semester of JR year).. don't even want to know the GPA.. Fresh, and soph yr. I was failing classes.. (which I made up) and I still had at least a 3.0. My two band classes saved me with 2 free A's. Without those A's, I don't even want to think about how low my GPA is.</p>
<p>SAT's.. I have not taken yet.. studying my butt off for the last 7 months. I have no idea how well/bad I will do.. I'm taking them in May.</p>
<p>I have tons of Band stuff to put under EC.. so far, I've gone to my Ecology class to do some outdoor activities every saturday since my Jr started. Bunch of Community Service, and I'm going to participate in the Science Festival this year.. Probably a bunch of other stuff.. just not sure what to put yet.</p>
<p>I'm unsure of my major. Majoring in music is something I'd love to do, but I've talked to a few friends that have, and they really aren't doing to well. Architecture was another thing, and from what I've read, you really have to be passionate about that stuff, and I'm not sure if that's the right thing for me. I know your portfolio is a big part of the admission process, so maybe that could cover up my GPA a little bit? Other than that, I'm really not sure what I want to do. Music, and Art are both naturally appealing to me.</p>
<p>Colleges.. I have no idea if I even have a chance for any UC. I'm in California right now. And honestly, I'd really like to avoid going to a CC..</p>
<p>Sorry for the loongg post..
Hope you guys can help.</p>