Declaring a minor

<p>Son is in second year mechanical engineering and is exploring the possibility of doing a minor in math. He has an appointment with his departmental advisor but will he also need to speak with someone in the math department? What procedure would he follow to formally declare a minor? Which math electives would be useful to take for mech. eng.? Is the minor indicated on the diploma or only on the transcript?</p>

<p>I’m not home now, so I can’t look at S’s diploma. I don’t think minors are on the diploma, but I could be wrong. Latin honors are.</p>

<p>there’s a form to fill out to declare a minor. For math, I think you go to Clark Hall, A&S office, get the paper for minor declaration, fill it out, and take it to the math dept for signature.</p>

<p>D just finally declared her Italian minor. She’d had the paper form for a while but it was when she met with a CBA advisor to pick up her 2nd major that she actually got the minor declared. She’d mentioned it to the CBA advisor and she did something on D’s student account and poof there it was.</p>

<p>What are some common minors or 2nd majors for engineering students?</p>

<p>DS had to go to Arts & Sciences Dept. to declare his second (Studio Art) major, don’t think there was any approval necessary from Engineering.
Both CS and Art departments are really jazzed about this combination, don’t think it’s too common but I know a few on here trying to do the same or similar thing.
Strange thing though, and he has a call in about it for after break, on DegreeWorks it shows his second major with no mention of 12 credits of “ancillary” courses needed in Art History, for the major. If he switches his DegreeWorks to just the Studio Art major the 12 credits show as required.
SO - I’m thinking this must be a bug in DegreeWorks… would hate to have had him progress towards these degrees and find out in the end he came up 12 credits short.</p>

<p>Guess the moral is check the catalog, check DegreeWorks, check with your advisors and check again.</p>

<p>Also - does anyone know if you need a sign off from both major departments before doing registration?</p>

<p>Son is also a second semester sophomore mechanical engineering major. He does not have a declared minor. He is in CBH, though. Is CBH considered a minor? And if not, does he have to declare a minor?</p>

<p>What are some common minors or 2nd majors for engineering students?</p>

<p>Math, statistical math, physics, business, CBH, bio, chem, music, some kind of graphics arts (or whatever it’s called at Bama), or virtually anything.</p>

<p>My ChemE son is pre-med, and his minors are: chem, bio, and math.</p>

<p>From what my EE son has heard from his higher level peers, for EE/ECE majors fairly common double majors/minors are math and/or physics. Apparently, through their regular flow in these majors they’ve already covered a lot of the requirements for these. Those students coming in with credits have the possibilities to fill in with these subsequent major/minor courses. </p>

<p>I don’t know the particulars about the process, something he’s hoping to take care of this week.</p>

<p>Montegut…CBH is a minor.</p>