Declined Admission

My daughter went through the early application process at Purdue. She applied to the school of Engineering. We just got her letter and were shocked she did NOT get accepted. We are confused however because it says she is declined at the main campus in West Lafayette but then below lists other campuses she can apply for admission. One of the choices below is the Polytechnic School. When you click on that link it comes up with the West Lafayette campus as the first option. We’re thoroughly confused. Has anyone be initially declined? It says regular admissions were due Jan 1st. What are our options? Help!

Hello, we are sitting here in the same situation. Our son has good grades from a private high school, SAT scores slightly above Purdue’ s average. Also took the SAT Chem and Physics extra test. Did well. We are very confused why he did not get in. Maybe the early admissions just takes the top 25% Or something and they have a better chance with regular decision?

I do know the college of engineering is almost impossible to get in to, I didn’t realize how hard initially. I’m so sorry to hear your son is in a similar situation. Do you know are there any other options moving forward for still attending Purdue?

The Purdue Polytechnic School is quite highly regarded. Here’s the website: I’m sorry about your kids not getting into engineering. It is the toughest to get admitted. And every year it gets even harder to get in. But it appears your son/daughter’s stats are very good, which means that entry into another Purdue major is likely, and that they will surely gain entry to another top engineering school.

This process is quite the rollercoaster. Here’s hoping for good days for both of your kids in the weeks to come.

Same boat for my son. Still processing this news: waitlist or select another major. Another major besides FYE?? He’s been through 4 years of PLTW and is committed to engineering. He’s captain of his robotics team and reading the other thread with all the acceptances is only making things worse. His credentials seem on par with those posted (some better some not as good). It’s hard to make sense of it.

I know he will get in somewhere great and be very happy, but this was not the news we were hoping for, or expecting today. He’s devastated and I’m heartbroken for him.

I feel the exact same way. Purdue is our family school. My daughter wasn’t even waitlisted. It just says she can attend the Polytechnic School-statewide (although I’m being told that doesn’t include the WL campus). My daughter is also the President of her Robotics Team! She’s devastated and I am just in shock. We have no idea what to do.

My heart goes out to all of those who were rejected! I hope the best and success to all of you as you seem to be very capable students!

I feel terrible
Im an international student and was unable to make it to Purdue. However they are offering me alternate major or waiting list. Now my concern is should I take up Purdue Polytechnic and then would it be easy to make a transition if my first semester performance would be good. I applied for Computer science.
Any suggestions?

Same outcome here. With a 1540 SAT, rigorous courses, and decent EC, I thought Purdue was a solid match for him. Now he’s deciding between a large scholarship at Ohio State or Santa Clara University or some hopefully positive news from some RD schools.

We’re very disappointed that CS is such a competitive major and we’re not sure if it’s better for him to go on the waitlist or apply to a different major. My impression from talking to others is that everyone in the Bay Area applied to Purdue for CS as a safety school so they had a lot of good candidates to choose from. But those candidates will most likely have a lot of options, so I think there’s a good chance of getting off the waiting list.

Im thinking to chose alt major because that would still give me a chance to get into CS after some time like 1st semester. Opting for waiting would end the things if I dont get it without even making an attempt. But, I dont think that many would chose Purdue as their safety school unless they have a great profile and score, because you know there are many students who dont get into gtech or uiuc due to SAT score.

I would suggest you to chose your alternate major, atleast make one more attempt and hope for the best. Dont give up too soon on something as important as your first choice. (Purdue was my first choice)

All the best!

Sorry to all of you in this situation. As a graduate of the Technology School (now Polytechnic) I would highly recommend you consider it as an option. It is one of the best in the country and you can still get degrees in engineering (technology) there. Look through the website and go visit-it is a great opportunity to get into Purdue. Students switch majors often although switching INTO the engineering school can be extremely difficult historically speaking. So if you are waitlisted or offered another major option and Purdue is your first choice I say go for it!!

Adtuck thanks for the comment. S was waitlisted for CS and he was willing to apply to Polytechnic as he is interested in cyber security. He received his acceptance yesterday. When did you graduate? Can you comment on your experience? How are the students here vs college of science? Collaborative or competitive? Are Polytechnic students perceived differently compared to those in CS? Are the resources and opportunities similar? We would like to visit but we are in CA and it may be difficult to schedule. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.

@143 what did you finally choose?

@MickeyJhawar I got into alternate major at purdue and also applied to univ or arizona for computer science/information systems. searching something good for me :slight_smile:

what about you?

@143 I decided to waitlist myself, I have already got into temple CS, which is backup of my backups, also waiting to hear from UCs and other universities. I did apply to ASU CS.

even im waiting for uc

@143 Which ones did you apply to?