<p>Do I have to notify schools that I am not attending? I have applied to 9 schools and am having trouble figuring out how to decline for some of them.</p>
<p>Yes. That's how they know whether to go to their wait lists. Most colleges will have sent you a self addressed postcard that you check off whether or not you are coming. If you don't have that card, e-mail the admissions office giving them your full name, your hometown, that you were applying for freshman admission, and give them any student ID # they gave you. If you can't find the student ID # send the info without it. They really need to know who's coming.</p>
<p>Think about it: If they'd rejected you, wouldn't you have wanted that info? Be as courteous to them.</p>
<p>Yes, I would want that info but I also paid most of these schools $50 for them to decide if I could attend and pay them over $20,000 more per year. Plus all the deadlines I have are may 1st and I figured they would I assume I'm not attending if I didn't reply. I will let them know anyway...</p>
<p>Yes, when you go online to submit your intent to register you click everything as if you were accepting, but you can choose decline, please do that so the waitlists can be accepted, many people are hoping to still get in.</p>
<p>does it work the same way if you accepted your offer of admission adn changed your mind?</p>
<p>you should call them immediately.</p>
<p>It's even more important if you accepted and then changed your mind. They'll assume you're coming, assign you housing, do all the administrative work to enroll you and send bills, etc. Tell them immediately and let them hit the wait list.</p>