Deep Procrastination

<p>I'm taking 3 AP classes this year, a 4th year language, and no elective. im taking AP english lit, ap calc ab, and ap biology. i have no motivation to do my homework sometimes and i procrastinate, a lot. i want to take 3 ap classes so i look good for stanford, my first choice school..i want to go to it because its in california and it makes me seem book smart, although i dont really think i am. basically since schools only see 1st quarter grades im thinking of sticking it out until the end of the quarter and getting my As and then getting B pluses for the rest of the year. is this a good idea or should i drop an AP?</p>

<p>You want to go to a school because it might make you seem book smart? Surely you jest. And idk what to say about the grade suggestion. I see no problem in slacking senior year but how much difference in homework time is there really between a B plus and an A? But please tell me why you want to go to Stanford really because if those are your reasons you might want to rethink the whole “first choice school” thing.</p>

<p>I love Stanford’s ‘pioneering spirit of the west’ and mostly I love how Stanford has an easy going personality. and Stanford impresses me with its diversity. it makes me want to go there.</p>

<p>im so over school…</p>

<p>You wont get in with that kind of attitude.</p>