Deerfield Summer Program Input

Anyone has experiences with the Deefield Summer three weeks program for current grade 6, 7, 8 students? Is it competitive to get in (like will you be rejected)? what is your experience with Deefield Summer program if you have joined that before?

Other than Deerfield, is there any Summer programs that is 3 weeks or less? I see many that are 5 weeks , but hard to find any that are 3 weeks or less.

Thank you

Generally speaking, BS summer programs are, for the schools, a money maker more than anything else. Mostly different teachers (though there could be some overlap) and not especially selective beyond the perfunctory stuff. They are not considered a way to get a leg up in terms of the admission process, as a rule.

That said, they can still be valuable for a kid. Do you like living away from home? Can you live away from home? Do you like this particular place…dorms, food, gyms, etc? IOW a way to screen the experience more generally.


thank you, which program did you experience before? could you share a bit with your personal experience? thanks

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My child did the Taft summer program as it offered some of the classes we wanted. While academically it was lighter than we hoped, our child had a wonderful time and it provided a good introduction to boarding school life. I guess it depends what you hope to get out of the program as even 5 weeks went very fast for academics and relationships.

Thank you for feedback, I heard that Taft is a pretty nice school. if you don’t mind me asking, Why did you choose Taft summer program? How did you find the transition from where your child goes to school to Taft? we are coming from NYC with lots of stimulation, so expecting a big transition for our child to Summer boarding environment, so we are playing safe for 3 weeks or less.

Hi! Feel free to direct message me.