Defer more than one school?

<p>My son is a senior, but plans to take a gap year between HS and college. Everything I have read seems to indicate that he should apply now and defer. If he gets accepted to more than one school he is interested in, does he have to choose 1? Or can he defer more than one? (and also, from a practical standpoint how would the different schools know?</p>

<p>On a related topic, as I indicated above, I read somewhere else on CC that it is better to apply to school during senior year than during the gap year. Why is that? What are the issues that make gap year applications more difficult?</p>

<p>In order to defer, he has to first commit to attend. So that does mean picking one.</p>

<p>It is easier to apply during his senior year of high school because he will be in close contact with those he needs to help him complete the application–the registrar at his high school who will need to send transcripts, the teachers and guidance counselors who will need to complete the required letters of recommendation, etc. Furthermore, depending on his plans for the year (will be be traveling or working abroad?), he may find it inconvenient to go on college visits or interviews.</p>