Deferral Letter

<p>I applied ED II to Pomona and was deferred and so the Admissions Officer advised me to write a letter saying why I want to attend, etc.</p>

<p>Should I take a risk with this letter and show personality or should it be very serious and explain why I want to attend? Which style is better for a letter after being deferred? I want to stand out and so I think if I take a risk it could pay off while a serious letter would just blend in.</p>

<p>Definitely get your point across no matter what way you chose to show that your first coice is Pomona. Showing personality is fine but you don't want to obscure the real meaning in trying to be creative. Also if you have any information you can update the admissions office on since your original application - first semester grades, any new honors or awards?, how you are spending your time senior year, what your work plans are for the summer ahead - this is additional information that might be helpful. Good luck!</p>

<p>That's exactly what I did when I was deferred for ED I. I didn't choose to show any "personality", but made the letter polite and formal. I stated that Pomona is still my number one choice, and explained that I decided to send some more materials to admissions.</p>

<p>I personally would go for a more serious manner, because you don't want to appear to be too casual about the whole process.</p>

<p>Your personality should come out in different aspects of your application.</p>