Deferred and needing some advice

I found out I was deferred from Madison. It’s my first choice school and I’m really upset and nervous. Any feedback, helpful advice and/or next steps to being accepted?

Application Summary:

  • 3.82 uw GPA
  • 24 ACT (just took it again recently in February)
  • NHS, German Honor Society (member and officer), club soccer (3 yrs old to present), HS Soccer (9,11,12), lots of volunteer work at my local hospital, did a 2 week intensive job shadowing at the local hospital for 1/2 a credit for HS, got my CNA license this summer
  • 4 yrs of German, AP classes (junior yr: AP Lang, AP Psychology senior yr: AP Lit, AP Chem, AP Stats)

Additions to application:

  • Grades stayed strong (All A’s and one B)
  • new job as a CNA
  • retook the ACT
  • letter of rec from the pharmacist at the hospital, he is a Madison alum

Any pointers or insight on my chances of admission is appreciated. Thank you!

Additional Note** 24 was my previous ACT score, I am unaware of my new score from the February test

I presume you have a back up school. Nothing else you can do at this point. Put college admissions out of your mind for now and enjoy the rest of your final year of HS.

My daughter is also deferred at the UW with similar stats. She called and talked to an advisor today and asked what she could do to make her case stronger. She already updated her grades. They told her to write a letter of interest, update with anything that has changed since applying and to send in another letter of recommendation. It looks like you’ve done all that. Good luck to you!

@rbc1999 What did they mean by a letter of interest and how’d she do that exactly?

@lilybeebadger if you google LOCI (Letter of Continued Interest) you’ll get lots of information. Basically the regional counselors rarely remember every single applicant. Also they may have not seen your grades. Make it short and sweet. Hi my name is Lily, I’m from anytown USA, my UW ID# is …, I was recently deferred as a “whatever Engineering, Education,etc” major and worked really hard this past semester to prove my dedication to my education. Post each class and the grade - even if it’s sent to the school! Then add any other accolades you got this past semester and that you will continue to strive for excellence or something to that effect.

Basically short letter reminding them who you are and why you need to be there. If it’s too long it won’t get read, so keep it simple but make it easy for her/him to pull your app and say wow we need to give this person a serious look.

Do LOCI’s matter…the way I look at it is if you really really really want to go to school here then you, I mean YOU need to do everything thing you can for yourself to get yourself in the door and prove to them that a low standard test score does not define you. One other thing…go see the principal of your school, and have him or her call the admissions office on your behalf. Do all of that and I think you can feel good no matter what the decision right?
Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks everyone for all the advice! I just received an email tonight, I was admitted! So excited to be a badger! ON WISCONSIN!