Deferred by Yale: Essay Not Good...Enough?

<p>So anybody who is REALLY experienced with essay critiquing, pm me. My essays were good, memorable, passionate, yet not good ENOUGH for Yale SCEA. I need more than just grammar checks, etc. I need to make my essays AMAZING. It's already good enough to get me deferred by Yale, and I'm somebody WITHOUT any sort of leadership/hooks.</p>


<p>i consider myself a pretty decent essay reader, i’ll give you some good feedback but can’t promise tips to make your essay amazing. Feel free to PM.</p>

<p>Was I the only one who thought that </p>

<p>“i consider myself a pretty decent essay reader” </p>

<p>being posted by “nooob” was funny?</p>

<p>Nothing personal, just thought I’d note the irony. [:</p>

<p>I applied to Yale and I too was deferred. We can swap essays if you like?</p>

<p>LOL pajkaj! I totally noticed the irony too! HAHA that’s why I haven’t sent him my essays… </p>

<p>hieronymus312, I remember you from a Yale thread I made some days ago about my “distinguished parents” and you laughed at me. :/</p>

<p>I would like to read it :slight_smile: I tried to make my essays really passionate and different too.</p>

<p>ill read it , i am pretty decent as essays.</p>

<p>i’m pretty experienced o_o</p>

<p>i’ll take a look at it
pm me</p>

<p>I’ll read it. Plz PM me</p>

<p>I’ll read it. I tutor English and my SAT essays were in the top 3 percentile in the U.S. <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>i’ll read ittt!
my friends always ask me to critique because they know that i won’t be easy on them and aren’t afraid of hurting their feelings.
pm me or email me at <a href="mailto:failurebydesign69■■■■■■.com">failurebydesign69■■■■■■.com</a></p>


<p>10 chara</p>

<p>Definitely interested. I consider myself a good essay editor, but that’s biased I guess. Although I’m an '09er, I have no intention of stealing your essays as I have already written mine. PM me if you want my help.</p>

<p>To future posters: don’t reply if you are not experienced or have low post counts. </p>

<p>I’m checking your history.</p>