Deferred chances!!

I got deferred from UW-Madison and it is BY FAR my top choice so I need some feedback!
My mid-year transcript:
AP statistics: B
Honors peace studies: A
IB anthropology: A
Literary magazine staff: A
AP environmental science: A
IB english: A
AP psychology:A
So uw GPA is 3.85 and weighted is about 4.2(ish)
(My school doesn’t do pluses or minuses on grades)
I have worked on stage crew for all 4 years as head of props and just became stage manager for the spring musical.
I do stage crew tues-thurs and work at a day care monday and friday afternoons.
Both my parents and grandparents went to UW-Madison
I flew from D.C. To visit the school this weekend and I met with admissions/journalism professor to really get my interest out there. I am going to write about my visit and tour of the communication school to make my love known.
I am also asking my camp director of two years (I was a full-time counselor) to write me another letter of rec.
Any advice would be great! I have wanted to go here for years and I am on the edge of getting there so anything to strengthen my chances are welcome!!!

What about your ACT score?

Last year, I got deferred and I know exactly what you’re going through. Now I am a freshman at a large state school and I’m applying for a transfer to Wisconsin. Your stats matched up to my high school stats pretty evenly but you might have the upper hand. I got my college counselor to call their office and tell me who my admissions officer was since they wouldn’t tell the student directly. I wrote a long, thought out email and all I got in reply was, “This email has been added to your record. Thank you for contacting blah blah blah…”. I also met with the regional representative since I am from Texas and had lunch with him. He wrote me a letter of rec after spending an hour getting to know him and go over my resume. Obviously it didn’t work for me, but I suggest reaching out to people that can actually help you. Worst case scenario, you end up going somewhere, balling out like what I did this semester, and reapply for a transfer with your hot 4.0 gpa. Best of luck!