<p>Hey guys,
I was deferred early action to Notre Dame. I was wondering if anyone knew how many people are deferred, and, if so, how many people get accepted after being deferred. Also, let me know if there is anything you guys would suggest to help me get in!
Thanks so much!
Congratulations to anyone else who got in!</p>
<p>From what i’ve heard it’s hundreds that get deferred and hundreds that get accepted. They take a large portion of their deferred list.</p>
<p>i got deferred also</p>
<p>I’ve been told statistically, 25% of deferred people get in. But considering only about 25% of anyone gets in, I suppose that’s not bad?</p>
<p>Most of the people deferred from my school last year got in when regular came around. Good luck!</p>
<p>deferred essentially means they’re waiting to see the strength of the regular applicant pool, so you’re basically just put back in with the regulars and evaluated again. But yea a ton get deferred and a ton of them get in</p>
<p>Deferred, too… I guess there’s a good chance for us, though? I’m just mad that I have to wait until March now!</p>