<p>I was, just like many of you, deferred. I’m just curious in knowing what everyone’s plans are now. Are you giving up on Brown completely and focusing on your other top choices? Are you going to do anything special and mention it to the adcoms so you can stand out amongst the RD applicant pool (which, by the way, is going to be ridiculously huge)?</p>
<p>Also curious to know…were you expecting this or did you have hopes for an acceptance? </p>
<p>I believe that we shouldn’t lose hope. Hopefully we’ll see some positive results come March!</p>
<p>I was totally expecting/hoping for it though.</p>
<p>In my head I feel as if I was rejected though, thinking of march seems really far away, and a main part of applying ED for me was not having to stress about school and no more apps and now thats gone haha so… Ugh.</p>
<p>But Brown is 100000% still my topp choice
I hope I get in RD sooo badly <3</p>
<p>Anyone know what the exact deferred rates are? @smeagz: I heard that pretty much all ED PLMEs are deferred… idk if that’s a true stat (since I applied ED PLME too, but as a binding decision)</p>
<p>when i visited, i talked to a plme med student who i think said he was on the plme admissions committee or his friend was. i can’t remember. but he said pretty much everyone who gets in plme ed has connections. idk exactly what he meant, but (not to offend or anything) ri1391 seems to be the only cc-er accepted to plme and he “Had tons of Brown alumni relatives”</p>
<p>I’m pretty much done at this point considering there are kids in my school with ridiculous stats that are gonna apply to all Ivys and blow me outta the water. Oh well. Maybe having applied ED and having legacy will give me that extra push in the RD round. Either way i’m going to work real hard during winter track and hope I can get some coaches to pull me into their schools. I knew logically that I would be deferred but you can’t help but keep thinking, “man it’s going to be awesome when I’m accepted” ALLKJFLEJLF Good luck everybody. Hopefully at least a few of us will get in RD</p>
<p>I was completely expecting it, but obviously hoping for admission. I think I’m going to focus on my other schools because I doubt I’ll get in regular decision since, as the OP mentioned, the pool will be ridiculously huge. Good luck to everyone, though!</p>
<p>I’m not sad… if anything, I’m stoked!! I would have been upset at a flat-out rejection but this gives me a chance to boost my grades. Sucks about submitting more apps and fees though :(</p>
<p>Get those other apps out before deadline and then put a serious effort into doing all you can to make your mid-year report to Brown as impressive as possible. Just don’t sit idly by and hope for the best. Make something happen!</p>
<p>i was pretty much expecting this too but i still had some hope that i would get in. i think what upsets me most is all the extra work i have to do now with finishing more applications (4 left…)!! we still have a fighting chance but i’m even more nervous now that we’re up against like 10000 people. idk how many people from my school are applying RD but i hope not too many. i guess i’ll just try to send some stuff in like an extra recommendation or some updates on this research project i’m working on. we’ll see…</p>