Deferred Fall 2017 Transfer

I was just deferred as a transfer student for Fall 2017. I was wondering what does that actually mean? Are they waiting to see if they find enough regular decision applications that are better than mine and if not than accept me? Or is it more of they want to see me consistently hold a high college GPA? I had a 3.58 GPA first semester with 18 credits and am currently on track to have a 3.6-3.7 GPA this semester with 17 credits. My high school GPA tended to fluctuate a bit which is more than likely the reasoning for not getting accepted right away.

They have put me into a tough spot now as waiting until June to hear back means I no longer would be able to return to my current university, UW Green Bay, if I am denied. Also, I am a bit worried about SOAR now. I wont be able to go to an earlier date and get into classes I need to for my major, computer science, which could mean my first semester is sort of a waste.

I am confident that I no doubt will keep my GPA high but if raising my GPA still has a chance for me to be denied then this would end up being a huge waste of my time and I would lose a semester of school next fall. If anyone can give me some insight on chances for those deferred and what it really means would be greatly appreciated.

Check with the school directly for the correct answers and clarifications. Also, I believe there may be a separate SOAR for transfers- check the UW website.