<p>Do deferred students need to do anything additional for financial aid? Do we just need to send the FAFSA, or do we need to re-send the CSS, tax returns, etc?</p>
<p>I would appreciate any help, as I am very lost in this whole process.</p>
<p>Do deferred students need to do anything additional for financial aid? Do we just need to send the FAFSA, or do we need to re-send the CSS, tax returns, etc?</p>
<p>I would appreciate any help, as I am very lost in this whole process.</p>
<p>1) Complete and send the FAFSA to ALL the schools you have applied to (including Yale).
2) You do not have to re-send the CSS Profile. Once completed, the College Board/CSS Profile will contact you and request: (a) your parents 2010 tax returns via an IDOC system, and (b) Your 2010 tax returns via an IDOC system. For more info see: <a href=“Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) – CSS Profile | College Board”>Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) – CSS Profile | College Board;
<p>Other than that, you are good-to-go!</p>
<p>Thanks so much, gibby! So will CB/CSS Profile contact me soon to request tax forms again, or do I not need to send more tax forms if I sent past ones back in October?</p>
<p>IDOC will contact you via email in February with instructions on how to mail them all relevant 2010 tax documents. (The documents you previously sent in October was 2009 tax data.) See:<a href=“Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) – CSS Profile | College Board”>Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) – CSS Profile | College Board;
<p>Got it, thank you for your help!</p>
<p>Also, just to be clear: Although you do not have to resend the CSS Profile to Yale, you need to send it to other colleges you applied to.</p>