<p>I have a 3.3 Unweighted and a 3.9 weighted GPA. UCF has deferred my application because of grades according to the status online. Is 3.3/3.9 not good enough? I called to ask what's going on, but counselor's aren't in, and probably won't be till after Thanksgiving.</p>
<p>Last year it would have been fine but this year they are waiting on more of the B+ students. The 3.9 is in only core academic classes (math, foreign language, English, science, social studies) right? They don’t figure any non-core classes into your GPA (no PE or fine arts). I really think you will get in though, they just want to see your midyear grades. If you did amazing first quarter, you could also send a copy of your report card in (to see if they will give you an acceptance sooner).</p>
<p>if UCF weights it the same as FSU then my academic GPA would be 3.78.</p>
<p>That’s REALLY surprising. A few of my friends got in with WEIGHTED GPAs around the 3.5 area. (nothing else that they had was exceptional either)</p>
<p>Hope this works out for you!!!</p>
<p>Hope you’ve gotten word on your admission by now. My GPA is similar to yours and I am still waiting to hear from them. No response at all after over a month is definitely worrying me.</p>