deferred from EA, might i get in regular??

<p>I applied to Georgetown college...</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 or so</p>

<p>SAT: 2210
M 710, CR 730, W 770</p>

<p>SAT 2: Math I 770, Math II 740, Literature 720</p>

<p>I'll have 8 APs by graduation, as well as Multivariable Calculus...pretty much all other classes were honors</p>

<p>3 year Varsity Poms
3 years on class SGA, Vice president
2 years on yearbook, Senior Editor
National Honor Society
Math Honor Society
Community service club</p>

<p>My essays were good, not great. I was getting very tired at that point. Recs were probably the same. I was blown to be deferred</p>

<p>You have a decent chance of getting in, but I think you should get more hooks.</p>

<p>…what are hooks</p>

<p>^ Something that brings attention to your app- under represented minority, olympic champion, that sort of stuff.</p>

<p>Gosh Roberto, if hooks were easy to get, we’d all have 12 of them!</p>

<p>i mean there’s not a whole lot i can do to add to that at this point hahaha. im mixed racially but i’m white and chinese…not exactly exciting to the georgetown admissions officers i would imagine. and im pretty sure im not on the olympic track at this point in time.</p>

<p>i thought they would be impressed by my athletics (dance team is a two season sport at my school…a LOT of time), leadership and journalism experience, but apparently the people who apply to this school are gods.</p>

<p>you got deferred with those stats? What on earth did you write on your essay? O.o
Only weakness I can detect is that you might have come across as an ambivalent kid who doesn’t know what s/he wants. Make sure you show a strong interest.</p>

<p>Your EC’s are kind of bland, I think that would be your biggest weakness. </p>

<p>But I think you’ve got a decent shot at an acceptance.</p>

<p>Weak extracurrics, but you have a definite shot.</p>