Deferred from Virginia Tech

So Virginia Tech early decision announcements came out on Friday and after eagerly waiting for months, I was deferred. It doesn’t make much sense to me, considering several people from my high school with much lower GPA’s and test scores were accepted. I know they say not to compare yourself to other applicants, but I just don’t know why I wasn’t accepted and am completely devastated. Below are my stats. Can someone maybe tell me why exactly I didn’t get offered acceptance and what I can do to improve my chances of getting in Regular decision?

GPA: 3.95
ACT: 29
Intended Major: Political Science
Extra-curriculars: Editor in chief of Yearbook, varsity track and cross country captain, american teen cancer club, feed the need club, key club, etc.
P.S. I am a white female from NOVA

I would call the admissions office and ask them about your application. Just ask them to review your app with you and see what they are looking for/ what you can work on to better your chances for regular decision.

Two things to consider when comparing yourself to your friends are what classes you are taking and what major you are applying to. Your friends have lower grades and test scores but be taking more AP/college/IB classes than you, or are applying to a different major than you - so the comparison would essentially be useless. There are lots of situations that can occur with admissions.

The most you can do at this point is have very strong grades for your midyear report. You can possibly retake the ACT or SAT, but your score falls in the midrange for admissions from last year’s class.

NOVA is a tough area admissions wise because the ‘bar’ is so high in that area - very competitive pool of applicants from the NOVA area. Also, as far as looking at others who did get ED - my son noted that a classmate of his who he thought wouldn’t even get in RD based on his stats DID get in ED and I think it is because he is JROTC and applied for the Cadet Corps, Tech wants Cadets!