Deferred, help appreciated!

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I recently found out that I got deferred from NC state, and now I am working my butt off trying to figure out what I can do to improve my chances. So far I have asked about 5 teachers for recommendations and I will send those, along with my mid-year senior grades, to NCSU in january. Any opinions/criticism are welcome!. My 1st choice major is Nuclear Engineering and 2nd is Computer Science.</p>

<p>My stats are:</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.7 weighted, 3.3 unweighted (hopefully improving to at least a 3.95 weighted by the end of this semester)
Class Rank: 121/466 (barely top 25%)
SAT: 1900; Math - 610 ; Reading - 660; Writing - 630; Essay - 11</p>

<p>Mid-year senior grades:</p>

<p>Orchestra IV: A
Small Business: A
Honors Physics: A
Honors Pre-Calculus: B</p>

<p>Once again, any and all help is appreciated! </p>

<p>Thanks in adance,

<p>RE-take the SAT I think that is what hurt you esp since you want a Math/Sci oriented field.</p>

<p>Maybe ask to be admitted under a different field, because even your courses aren’t comp enough for those degrees. Most students would already have at least Calc, and an AP or two under their belt.</p>

<p>Argree with bandp…retake the SAT. Will you be taking four different classes in the Spring semester? It would be best if you had calculus. S1 made a 4 on the Calc AB exam but still had a very tough time with Calc at NCSU as a freshman. </p>

<p>Nuclear engineering is one of the very hardest you can do at NCSU. S1( now a sr. at NCSU) was admitted to the College of engineering four years ago then decided to change his major. The admissions office told him to be very sure he didn’t want engineering because it is very hard to transfer into it from another major. </p>

<p>My husband grad. from NCSU with a BS in Mechanical Eng. and has worked in the nuclear power industry for 27 yrs. You don’t have to major in Nuc. Eng. to be able to work in the industry.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, another SAT exam is out of the questions =/</p>

<p>That was my second one, the first time I got a 1720; Math-590; CR-560; Writing-570; essay-8 (as you can see, quite an improvement)</p>

<p>I can’t afford the cash to take another one, and I can’t justify taping into anymore of my savings to do so.</p>

<p>I’m a very volatile test taker, for instance, I felt really good about the math section and crappy about the english on the last SAT, but I guess what I thought I knew I really didn’t.</p>

<p>I’ve always been better at math and science than english, but i’m a pretty well-rounded person. Interestingly enough, I’m better at science classes than math, but I blame that mostly on the crappy math teachers at my school.</p>

<p>And yes! My next semester courses are:</p>

<p>AP Physics
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Honors English IV
Vocal Music 1 (They just wanted to fill my schedual, hopefully I will be getting an Independent study course)</p>

<p>O, by the way, I can’t take Calculus since it is actually a year-long study at my school.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies! They are really appreciated.</p>

<p>How the heck did you get deferred with these stats? I am waiting to hear back from them on January 30th, and if you were deferred I will be rejected…</p>

<p>andylaws, Arc101 more than likely got deferred because he applied for the College of Engineering. It is more selective than most other majors.</p>

<p>i am going for engineering and am waiting for jan 31st also</p>

<p>3.8 unweighted, 4+ weighted
11% in a class of 418 (2 outside-it sucks), One of Top Public Schools in New York
9 AP’s, 6 Honors
White from NEW YORK…OOS
SAT I: 660 M, 620 R, 620 W
SAT II: 750 US
100 Hours of Interning at Roswell Park Cancer Institute
100+ Hrs of community work
EC’s/Awards: Varsity Soccer, Varsity tennis-captain (1st doubles)(5 years), mock trial-captain/vice president, math club, National Honor Society, Distinguished Student Math Award in Pre-Calculus (only one given), 2nd Place on National Latin Exam, 2 honorable mentions on National Latin Exam, National Latin Honor Society (3 years), Honorable Mention on CAWNY (regional latin exam), Math Tutor, AP Scholar, Orchard Park Pride (top 3o most respected in high school), Youth Court Judge (5 years), Town Rec Advisor Board, Scholastic Achievement (4 years)</p>

<p>Senior Year-AP Physics, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, AP Calculus AB, AP Latin Vergil, Honors Seminar for Humanities</p>

<p>APs taken before: AP Euro, AP Lit/Comp, AP US, AP Catullus/Ovid</p>

<p>afitscher, I think your chances for acceptance are very good…won’t be long now. Good Luck.</p>