Deferred-how to get in??

<p>If you're deferred, what should you do to help yourself get in? Should I contact the college and ask how I can better my application? Should I write a letter saying how much I want to get in? Send in extra teacher recs? What exactly is the best way to do this without going overboard? I'm not still 100% on this college, but I would still like to be accepted. Anyone deferred who has done any of the above and gotten accepted? And, is a deferral really a slow rejection, or do we have a better chance than those who hadn't tried ED in the first place? Thanks!</p>

<p>same problem but i know for uiuc they dont want anything :frowning: im waiting patiently</p>

<p>I’m just going to concentrate on getting good grades. I’d like to know if deferrees have a good/bad chance of getting accepted too</p>

<p>I think the main thing to do is get good grades first semester and impress the school with your Mid-Year Report.
A deferral means that you’re put into the regular pool of applicants; there’s no advantage.</p>

<p>Should I contact the college, would it help?</p>

<p>/\check with your guidance counselor. For LAC’s that monitor interest contact might be useful. For the others, aside from the mid year report they will most likely request, it would not help unless you have something significant to add to your application, like a recent award/recognition.</p>

<p>i have a question about deferrals.</p>

<p>does it mean you have to apply again come RD? or does it mean you don’t have to do anything and they’ll just let you know when they let the rest of the RD people know?</p>

<p>In my experience, deferred students who get in RD have had some substantial change or event happen between ED and RD. A major award for example. I also think large donations are often the reason.</p>

<p>I know that at ivies, they often defer all legacies who have pretty good grades/scores just to see if your parents will donate more.<br>
Keep up your grades and send a letter of intent. You only get one phone call to the admissions office, use it well.</p>

<h1>1: get good grades</h1>

<h1>2: remind that college that it is still your first choice (closer to the next round of decisions</h1>

<h1>3: relax and wait and see what happens</h1>

<p>you can also consider getting an additional rec if youre applying to a smaller school that would review one</p>